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[GRE写作] gre写作辅导:写作资料句子39

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3.You cannot expect the soldier to be a proud soldier if you humiliate him. You cannot expect him to be brave if you abuse him and cower him. You cannot expect him to be strong if you break him. You cannot ask for respect and obedience and willingness to assault hot landing zones, hump back-breaking ridges, destroy dug-in implacement, if a soldier has not been treated with respect and dignity which fosters unit spirit and personal pride. The line between firmness and harshness, between strong leadership and bullying … is a fine line. It is difficult to define. But those of us who have accepted a career as leaders must find that line. It is because judgment and concern for people are involved in leadership that only people can lead, not computers. I enjoin you to be ever alert to the pitfalls in too much authority. Beware that you do not fall into the category of the little man with a little job and with a big head. In essence, be considerate, treat your subordinates right, and they will literally die for you.
  u: [! t; t# J. D“Treat people as adults,” says Tom Peters of In Search of Excellence fame. “Treat them as partners, treat them with dignity, treat the with respect. Treat people – not capital spending and automation – as the primary source of productivity gains. These are fundamental lessons from the excellent companies research.”
: `3 {# n, d! c# M( g“Among the CEOs I know, the most successful ones have a very positive outlook. Every CEO has to be a cheerleader. At times you may feel that you can list a series of disaster scenarios for you company, and certainly you are in the best position to do that; still, you have to be a cheerleader at least part of the time … OK, we know it is going to be tough, but let’s get at it! You need always to be encouraging and perhaps that is one of the most admired attributes that I see in most CEOs.”
) p: o% @) H7 d7 u# q0 g/ O  \To ensure high morale, the Tandem computer company adopted this simple five-point creed:
7 ~7 c" Q4 D# @* d( t: g3 g1. All people are good.
, f  x$ Z( a9 t$ V7 M: z% I1 y2. People, workers, management and the company are all the same thing.
- p1 R8 i" y" L! n2 X( R8 a3. Every single person in the company must understand the essence of the business.
. u" N* `% M/ P6 u8 H6 I% a; j4. Every employee must benefit from the company’s success.
' l( O) ^! A" m$ o5.You must create an environment where all of the above can happen.3 _: ?+ K# w- q
The group will not prosper if the leader grabs the lion’s share of the credit for the good work that has been done. The group will rebel and resist if the leader relies on strict controls in an effort to make things come out a certain way. The group members will become deadened and unresponsive if the leader is critical and harsh. The wise leader is not greedy, selfish, defensive, or demanding. That is why the leader can be trusted to allow any event to unfold naturally.

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