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[GRE写作] 历年GRE考试Issue题库分析与提纲二十

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
37. "In most societies, competition generally has more of a negative than a positive effect."  
% q$ ~; x# H) _  }1 q/ e& U# P   9 o5 n  P# ]. ?' N
在大多数社会中,竞争一般是弊多利少。  ; ]. X. F) c6 E7 A: y/ E. ~+ }
/ n; T' {2 z* M, W  h7 t1.       Competition benefits the general public by providing people with cheaper products and better service.
& f/ E0 J8 G$ B& x2.       Competition spurs innovation and invention, bringing new products and technology to multitudes.
; s; I7 i- X; g% q! o3 l: x" D3.       Admittedly, we should notice the side effect of competition, which are shrinking profit, dishonesty, etc.
1 q" ?# x8 J: e+ O/ h利多弊少之竞争  
  x* i& L! W; ]3 m& Q/ R------------------------------  ) u2 ?2 e" ~1 n# J. J
% g0 o7 e3 |9 x$ {7 h62. "The widespread idea that people should make self-improvement a primary goal in their lives is problematic because it assumes that people are intrinsically deficient."  
. ~7 w! r7 `- x0 p   
4 Y6 n, Y4 L  X# |认为人们应该把自我进步当做是人生头等大事的流行观点是有问题的,因为这样的观点在假设人们是天生就有缺陷的。  
7 U3 l5 c+ G# _8 e  
- Y& Q" T: Z! M" d# KDisagree
+ S5 k  v% @9 |9 j1.       On the one hand, admitting that we are deficient is the first step towards progress. 5 b5 F! L; Z" f, }: u7 ~
2.       On the other hand, smugness only leads to stagnancy.
: T) x, t: Q/ Y( w- q! n* i: M3.       A serious problem with modern society is that too many people fail to realize the need for self-improvement.
: [! @( T1 _1 w   
# ^' z% T$ w  ~+ y% M' g8 F" Z独立题目  + [2 G( }' P1 l5 s: R# V
. Q! K3 P0 Y0 _6 E: h# a$ l2 p* `------------------------------  . U7 C# G$ a' g6 ~
   6 ^  T( J+ F7 D* C+ g- |
64. "Many people know how to attain success, but few know how to make the best use of it."  
0 _4 r3 Y5 X  I1 u$ s   
4 E! k3 [! H3 k2 i( d- g8 u0 m' _3 X很多人懂得如何去获得成功,但是很少有人知道如何最好的去利用成功。  - m8 p0 O( ~4 X1 Z4 [
1.        A common characteristic of contemporary society is that people everywhere are concerned about how to attain success. + w  r+ g8 Q3 ]$ O  ~* T' @8 R) x
2.       Success is commonly understood as material gains.
! }% N! j5 Q& f3 B" n0 E. T3.       However, success does not ensure happiness.
1 O3 t/ j3 X7 z9 N. \  h4.       “Successful” people often ignore the interests and needs of other people, which renders their “success” meaningless.
7 e$ n5 F  \2 {2 ?" L' |% m+ o  , m& G4 \0 @$ A9 K% X0 ^1 A3 U
Attain and sustain打江山容易,保江山难  
3 R  n! d# Q: v- Z4 b( [------------------------------    x2 z+ {1 _% R8 ]6 A% G
    9 b2 Y! a1 v9 }. y0 B; i
68. "People make the mistake of treating experts with suspicion and mistrust, no matter how valuable their contributions might be."  0 ~% u5 |* O. [' Z) j5 ^% Y
' n( z9 U& i8 J. n人们经常错误的猜疑和不信任专家,无论专家们的贡献是多么的有价值。  
9 C4 R+ [- t' I$ v$ K" b9 z8 T   
9 F6 o( c7 |+ y2 {5 v, g3 t5 gExpert’s opinions should be evaluated objectively.
% }/ F/ Z5 m9 s0 J3 i1.       Generally speaking, experts’ opinions are comparatively more trustworthy than ordinary people’s when it comes to solving problems that require special expertise.
3 o' ]; Y! X5 y2.       The reality of our society is that people tend to take for granted whatever experts say.
2 x6 c4 a" v0 w0 _3.       It is possible that sometimes experts do make mistakes which ordinary people can correct.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:22 | 显示全部楼层


4 p2 J6 T) x8 Z$ p------------------------------  . w* p& H) N0 I* C3 |
& G( Z$ }8 \: L4 h" }71. "Spending time alone makes one a better companion to others."  
+ F& H3 R# J, J6 w; `   6 \- O5 l& @/ w. b8 g! A" a
; \+ i9 K7 w. [- T3 [   
+ U: D$ u4 y% M4 }% s; R5 N1 {Agree
& D( H2 e* k2 O4 u1.       Admittedly, habitually isolating oneself from others does not automatically make one a better companion. 0 S0 D/ @0 h& D
2.       However, people who think and work independently will be able to bring new ideas and new perspectives to others. 9 ~6 A( Y1 V8 k9 h9 N# K
3.       One’s loneliness makes one crave for and cherish the opportunity to stay with others.
0 I# d. L% r. b0 r0 a3 d8 L( H人际关系之个人时间和公众时间
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