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[GRE写作] 历年GRE考试Issue题库分析与提纲四十

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
53. "College and university education should be free for all students, fully financed by the government."  
: _7 r0 \; \) I; H# y- R4 g   / J$ V9 E2 g$ @6 V
" i( I* i9 H+ w, X, z" s   $ L, J4 T/ a& x0 P( A
Agree 8 X' [) I* _" F* W" g* X+ J
1.       Investment in education is always a wise choice for a nation.  9 J6 \( s  S, \4 C
2.       The amount of money needed by universities is only a small percent of a nation’s Gross Domestic Product, and will surely be compensated by the graduates in the future through the way of income taxation. 0 O- i9 o/ W8 a  U8 u
3.       Proving all students with higher education puts them on equal footing with each other when they enter society—a precondition of equal opportunity for all members of society.
; n, t) P# I* l2 R. v; v& H1 |! H奖学金
, Q6 A6 s5 d6 B+ u* {) ~' }---------------------- ; }* H6 ?, O; C. Q+ T. N, }
55. "Competition for high grades seriously limits the quality of learning at all levels of education."  9 a" S* F7 B" I" \% }/ f
   5 y2 m% W- I6 O/ h  l3 T5 t  P
追求高分严重的限制了教育各阶段的学习质量。  * w3 D# n" @, l0 e$ s. j% ~
   $ a: i( A( i  a! J2 u7 i
Competition among students for higher grades does not necessarily have a negative impact on the quality of learning. ( h; k8 ^  B! J3 P6 ~
1.       Admittedly, if education aims solely at cramming students for exams, the quality of learning will undoubtedly deteriorate.
: h, j- o! k- d* h! ?5 a5 S; E2.       However, examinations do help students review their lessons and master what they have learned.
: L/ b; @* M* A- @3.       Furthermore, the psychological pressure that competition exerts on students is not always harmful.
4 J9 x* |. Y! o& D, C  
# V# U8 h8 M0 @, j分数
$ O0 T# Y- v: Q3 ^  
% t, F, I0 S/ Z& T$ D4 A! H--------------------------
. d, x8 d4 A: X- J2 E6 z67. "Colleges should require students to engage in public-service activities in order to assure that each student receives a balanced, well-rounded education."  
  G8 {8 o2 R# G2 f   
4 A# }. o2 }, H& F9 q) O大学应该要求学生们参加公益活动,这也是为了保证每一个学生都能获得平衡而全面的教育。  
7 r. x$ p( \, X! b7 e2 P  ) _' g( k# b3 A
( C. [9 Y% ^& G8 \7 i1 B' u4 j1.       Colleges today tend to isolate students from society. + k9 }/ [" g" k! Y  e, l+ I, [
2.       However, we should realize that participating in some social activities may actually contribute to their academic work. 1 x. Y$ t( A8 u$ C" {
3.       To train qualified citizens for society, colleges should arrange for public-service activities to increase student’s sense of social responsibility.
7 k2 g$ ]9 P, V3 H, F少数和多数之社会实践和全面教育

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