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[GRE词汇] 2012年新GRE考试:轻松口语学单词(52)

发表于 2012-8-15 13:13:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年新GRE考试:轻松口语学单词(52)- E3 c/ W1 e) |) y0 c
1. The strong man among us strongly hates the wrongdoing.
6 i$ \& \, K7 Y# d; @. m, Y* m3 F  我们当中的壮汉强烈憎恶这件坏事。
% j; T* s; T7 ]* g  2. In occasional case the phrase emphasizes the importance of the phase to the laser.
- w& P6 \. f* x5 ~1 Q! z9 D  在偶然情况下该短句强调了相位对于激光的重要性。
" M5 V7 Y7 H, j) j, ~% K- l  3. Based on the basic case, the purchaser found the vase in the basin in the basement.
. B" ^' |5 u/ _+ m  根据这个基本情况,购买者在地下室的盆子里找到了花瓶。来自www.Examw.com4 t3 R, a" ?+ G- Z# e
  4. On the camp of the campus the campaign champion put the camera on the camel.
$ H- [7 ?, H/ X  在校园的营地上运动冠军将摄影机放在骆驼上。
  @5 u7 a$ N2 u2 P" l) q  5. He stamped on the stamps and slammed the lamp on the damp dam." U7 u3 f! ]( U% A* d3 z

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