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[GRE词汇] 2012年新GRE考试:轻松口语学单词(47)

发表于 2012-8-15 13:13:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3 A% a$ O. c; J1. To make the contract attractive, the contractor subtracted a tractor from it.' T% E) N- V' _: R, `, a9 j" a) m
) @: O9 I: o+ E6 q2 v) A; Q  2. In this chapter, the capture characterized the characteristics of the characters.
: {1 S. k6 D# O, p- Z  俘虏在本章描述了字符的特性。
' n7 S5 ]$ B5 o% B  3. The captive captivated by the apt adaptation rapped the cavity with rapture.) J2 b# }$ f& K3 f! l6 z0 }9 W
  被灵巧的改编迷住了的被捕者着迷地敲打空腔。中 华 考 试 网
+ D0 E5 }; M& I' w9 [* j+ r  4. I'm in charge of discharging a large amount of charcoal and coal at the coal mine.
2 @& a6 K1 [7 t/ m$ S  我负责在煤矿卸一大堆木炭和煤。
9 L0 T1 J6 N5 b) ~  5. With shortcomings overcome, the outcome become welcome.
- G7 q. O$ u3 l  B# O  随着缺点被克服,结果变得受欢迎。

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