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[FECT综合考试] 金融英语综合辅导资料整理06

发表于 2012-8-16 09:04:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Corporate StructureHow authority and accountability are delegated within a company as well as how ownership is divided./ P% _9 P; a; b4 j  K
公司结构公司内部权力如何分配,责任如何划分。+ j) [) T0 Y! f3 O
Certificate of IncorporationIssued by a state upon approval of articles of incorporation. Together they form the corporate charter which establishes a corporation.3 P: q+ B& a. |. c) A3 y" v
开业证明由州政府批准公司章程后颁发。它们共同组成公司成立的宪章。- D" j; n5 T/ q% @- b  o/ L
BylawsRules governing the internal management of a company drawn up at the time of incorporation.
6 |9 w2 N  f4 C# X规章制度公司成立时制订的内部管理制度。
7 X: r) K8 a/ h! a$ `4 Q& } Board ResolutionDocument recording a decision by the board of directors for action.( [- a5 a  E6 H/ T4 ~5 K
董事会决议记录董事会行动决定的文件。7 U7 a; D! F; n% a' a3 g
Board of DirectorsPersons elected to develop company policy and ensure that a corporation acts within the scope of its corporate charter.  m2 ~  b! f2 R- b/ d! l4 k
董事会被推选制订公司政策并确保公司按照其宪章运营的决策机构。1 e8 Y2 V4 F% t/ H7 |9 \9 V
Checks and BalancesSystem in which each level of authority is "checked" by the others to make sure that power is balanced between them.
7 Z0 ~4 M8 h1 X/ S制衡权力互相受到制约,保证相互间权利平衡。; E# N! S- c( b  ]; m( N  X9 i+ u
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)Officer of a firm principally responsible for its day to day operations, usually the chairman of the board or president.
3 Q- @7 R4 b8 P  L5 {" m5 x. f首席执行官(CEO)对公司日常运营负主要责任的官员。通常为董事会主席或总裁。
* \9 K+ \# Q' {" s: \  F Chain of CommandA system wherein authority is passed down from top to bottom through a series of executive positions each of which is accountable to the one above it.' J! o0 c( x' {* G" [& N7 i

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