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发表于 2012-8-15 13:26:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Questions 1-6   4 D  @: F9 z$ I! Z- U  d+ a
A man buys three outfits-X, Y, and Z-each of which consists of two articles of clothing.  Each of the articles of clothing is either brown gray or navy.  
, a- O, I, {6 G1 L) Q1 CAt least one of the outfits is made up of two articles different in color from one another. No more than two of the outfits contain the same combination of colors.  
; Q! ]7 f4 Z  z+ |/ XOutfit X contains at least one navy article of clothing.  # i% n+ t: @$ T" V# `3 @
Outfit X contains at least one brown article of clothing and does not contain a gray article.1. Which one of the following can be the colors of the man\'s outfits?    
+ ^0 T) @. h' h9 y& l(A) X: gray and navy; Y: brown and gray; Z: gray and gray  
/ m; G6 s+ X1 M3 b: W+ o- w(B) X: brown and gray; Y: brown and navy; Z: gray and gray   ) P8 ~: z, g* L+ X* Y0 Q9 a+ R$ c+ a
(C) X: navy and navy; Y: brown and brown; Z: brown and navy   9 W$ Z; S. @# y+ t1 x& n
(D) X: brown and navy; Y: brown and navy; Z: brown and navy   1 M+ G2 X( c) V) ]- p
(E) X: navy and navy; Y: brown and brown; Z: navy and navy
& n' i2 n  Q, H% y) |, R2. If outfits X and Y each consist of one brown article and one navy article of clothing, what combinations for outfit Z? 
5 g1 i: L8 r1 B7 T6 |2 L. j6 X(A) 2  (B) 3  (C) 4  (D) 5  (E) 6
  v0 G% P) W7 d; s+ N$ F3. If outfit Z does not contain two brown items of clothing, what is the maximum number of items of clothing in the three outfits that can be navy?   5 S, O& R/ M: s
(A) 1  (B) 2  (C) 3  (D) 4  (E) 5 ) k7 {5 X4 Y" R0 p+ P7 A2 u
4. If outfit Y consists of two brown articles of clothing and outfit Z consists of two navy items, what is the total number of possible color combinations for outfit X?   - G. R) v; e8 {
(A) 1  (B) 2  (C) 3  (D) 4  (E) 5
) p7 O1 l9 D( A- {9 f5. Which one of the following color combinations for outfit Z would be acceptable under any of the acceptable color combinations for outfits X and Y?   5 @6 w! D/ H+ S
(A) gray and gray  (B) brown and gray  (C) brown and brown  (D) brown and navy  (E) navy and navy * z9 A9 u" I: u: z# Z
6. If no two outfits contain the same color combination but each contains at least one navy item, which one of the following is a complete and accurate list of the possible combinations for outfit X?   4 \2 k. L6 O3 L
(A) gray and navy  (B) brown and navy  (C) navy and navy   ; J# n; l" {; O0 t5 L0 K  ?# B
(D) gray and navy; brown and navy  (E) gray and navy; navy and navy

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