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[考试辅导] GMAT考试逻辑推理9月11-20日cr机井总结

发表于 2012-8-15 22:16:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.A phone installed on the plane is paid by the customer. So the airplane company need not to get rid of it. Evaluate: Whether the install of phone will consume more energy. 6 {2 E2 k& F: a

3 }, o5 N, \# C2 ~* o& E4 O2.The nurse to patient is 1:6, but the government want to change to 1:5. So clearly the hospital will hire more nurse from other province. Strenghten: Some nurse feel there are too many patient and leave the job.
. D9 j1 T3 ^0 x' q(I believe this answer is correct because it means the nurse has already work to their full load so the hospital need to hire new one.)
; ]  L* B- {) C: ?0 C' Q4 @! o7 Z
# q  w- u8 ?$ b7 G" b3. A bold face one. 题干非常长 说经理们近来大量购入股票,一般经理们都会在股票大跌至前抛掉股票..... 但经理们为什么会买入呢?一般认为他们在迷惑大众。上述的那些经理的行为应该符合这种解释. 第一句和最后一句划线。第一句描述了一个事实,后一句是作者的main conclusion. 2 B1 F, J6 \, |

/ P: A/ N$ \: X7 M  B1 t4. Environmentalist: when emitted into atmosphere , both methane and carbon dioxide absorb heat reflected from the ground . As municipal solid waste decomposes inside a landfill, methane is produced. To mitigate the impact fof the 'green house' effect, we should burn methane emitted from landfills and convert the energy generated during the burning process into electricity . 3 ]+ f1 G4 [0 ^% b  ~' m
Objection: the burning process will produce as much carbon dioxide . As a result , the amount of green house gases remains unchanged . which one of the following adequately counters the above objection ?
8 u# ^# Q$ ~5 B0 |
/ V/ r' Y; A  P5. the clearing of rain forest has caused the loss of habitats of certain frogs which lay eggs in forest pools. However , pasture pools are more permanent and serve as a good alternative to forest pools . but the eggs laid in pasture pools do not do as well as those laid in forest pools because ______ * D9 }& l5 j+ F9 x
A when the drought comes , few of the forest pools remain unaffected, and many of the pasture pools dry up.
1 N% ~6 K( B0 @- M; ?+ vE the longer the pools last , the more likely that they would attract predators , which feed on the eggs of the frogs. (my choice)

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