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[考试辅导] GMAT考试语文辅导9月11-20日sc机井总结

发表于 2012-8-15 22:16:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.Character sth as sth 8 n5 e. @  @) w
Character sth to be sth
: L4 A& f% `/ K$ l+ S5 n
1 D+ d" {+ e$ _0 ~2. 平行结构,如planning xxxx, developing xxxx, and creating xxxx
& ~3 F) m3 G( A0 f* {" N  D& h4 X3 T7 K3 P- }
3. 分词结构,主语一致,如The main chief of xxxx, Catherine xxxxx
+ u; f! H% W* r
! k( n* T3 |8 y  Z* ?- Z. Y7 w# h4. 同位语结构,如 Jane discovered that xxxxx in the early development of the embryo xxxx, the discovery that xxxx / x9 s& C0 [+ M* c- O

3 q( R5 G1 ?( |/ W# A7 P5. 插入语的用法,如:主语,according to one estimate
$ W2 z$ T6 j3 t8 }. Z, `
2 N7 J% f! p* v- d9 Q7 }6.a. an equivalent of 30 working days
& t" r1 N0 X4 rb. the equivalent of .. ; R  N3 K+ R! [5 k( g. ?
c. an amount equal to..
# {0 F+ [" n: _' n  [5 e2 ]3 K3 X
9 V0 u6 `5 `# y. M3 L9 _0 Z) \7. a large sums of money +单/复? 3 ^6 M/ b: D+ J( v2 F
% m9 w8 [, U7 M2 d+ U) z" t
9 X8 s: O. w1 ~+ _/ P: W+ r6 z; T4 G6 E* p

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