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[口译初级] 学连说地道口语:your/you’re→yer

发表于 2012-8-16 09:59:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

5 Q8 V( o! o) S/ ^  i/ v: y8 t2 ^Native speaker在轻松的日常对话中,语调常不自觉加快而出现连音,这和课堂中所教授的标准英文是非常不一样的。这种连音在美剧中就比较常见,不少人由于不懂连音而听得一头雾水。要想说一口漂亮的地道口语,你就得学会说这些连音哦。
! Y0 i1 i  @. `% a* ?8 }your / you're → yer
, |' w& E7 z2 W我们来听一段对话。在第一遍中,会将每句话先用较慢的语速念一遍,再用较快的语速念一遍;第二遍则是完整的快速对话。要注意快速状态下 your / you're 的连音发音哟。
, U+ t6 h7 ^9 y& J+ C1 H* zListen to each part of the conversation: first spoken with careful (slow) pronunciation; then spoken with relaxed (fast) pronunciation.
5 }8 |! j+ i% f9 }3 C! OCARLOS: Maria? Maria Gonzalez? My gosh! Yer so tall now.* O  x# _( i' o5 m8 h( N* Y" _) G
MARIA: Carlos! My old neighbor! Wow! Yer looking great.
  o2 s  r' j( O! FCARLOS: Thanks. So ... how's yer family?
/ e8 J! r! I2 j- r9 UMARIA: They're fine. How about your family?
' k! c% j7 k4 S, vCARLOS: They're fine, too.
6 c0 m7 H9 y( _$ Q( Z0 \9 QMARIA: That's good. Does yer mother still volunteer at a school?5 p; m5 S& ]. D
CARLOS: Yes, she does.# U4 y4 Y. g4 c; e$ K6 G
MARIA: That's great. Yer mother's a really nice person.7 i* H% v* T- m* i
CARLOS: Yer right. She is. So, does yer father still sing with his friends?3 \. B. ^/ r  g7 K, s+ S( I  g& A
MARIA: Every weekend.( [9 s- t! @& }# X
Listen to the entire conversation again, spoken with relaxed (fast) pronunciation.
! P9 r7 q4 F6 y3 K: J; y+ n, G大家有没有注意到MARIA的这句话,"They're fine. How about your family?" 中仍然说的是 your 而不是 yer ,这是因为如果在句子中需要强调 your / you're 时,它们就不再发成yer。此句中MARIA强调问:“你”家里如何?因此还是念做your。

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