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[口译初级] 学连音说地道口语:yours→yers

发表于 2012-8-16 09:59:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
yours → yers; J$ d2 p& u  T. u
上次我们已经学习了your / you're的连音念做yer,同样,yours 在快速语速下就应发成yers。以下对话中既有yer 又有yers,大家念的时候要注意哟。0 a' x4 x2 p+ M  }
Listen to each part of the conversation: first spoken with careful (slow) pronunciation; then spoken with relaxed (fast) pronunciation.
0 n" a# v8 T0 b: q8 Y+ D  PLINDA: I just got a raise at work.
, L4 b: ]4 K9 }  |9 u, t8 ~TIM: Really? I love yer job.
: E: s- w, |, q2 wLINDA: I love yers.8 I# u9 C; t% g) C9 z* v# n4 P  {
TIM: Yer job pays really well.$ m7 ^' ~% t3 @- o+ q
LINDA: Yers is interesting.
! K1 \0 ~2 h; Q. O; r- D4 b0 S- xTIM: Yer boss teaches the employees new things.5 Z; L' Y- F0 G' \& O6 B1 P% o& A
LINDA: But yers is funny.. Y( H! [. x2 j4 b- I  ?* s
TIM: Yer right, but yer job is near yer home.5 |3 I6 K+ U9 g6 t5 Q
LINDA: Yers is near yer father-in-law's house.
$ w9 L2 l& [5 |% [/ L' c$ bTIM: Yeah. Yers is far from my father-in-law's house... I love yer job.! \" t1 |) [) q$ W" X
Listen to the entire conversation again, spoken with relaxed (fast) pronunciation.

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