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[口译初级] 2010年初级口译:考试中需要强记的词组(五)

发表于 2012-8-16 09:59:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  捕鱼量the volume of fishing' X9 ]9 U6 G- T
  造纸业paper-making industry
( c) p( C' d9 b  木材储量timber reserves
! u( W5 {  h% j; U( Q  Z" e  Y/ a  森林覆盖面积forest-covering area+ B3 i6 W( v7 o' V5 w
  inward investment 对内投资
( {- y6 E5 H* R8 }  entrepreneurship创业精神
1 W2 \- M' F* O) b4 `# }$ P( R  pay tribute to 表示敬意% Z  l8 U$ H. v
  subsidies and grants津贴和拨款% g! H; Z' S/ w3 T
  problem of terrorism恐怖主义问题
# n( K8 [8 b0 J  gave their lives to the highest calling将生命献给了最崇高的事业
5 P8 b# U$ d, M( |2 ]  target of terrorism恐怖主义的目标! W1 D8 E8 o( `2 Z0 p. r8 T
  intensified our effort 加强力量
3 v6 [5 q/ A( {  bring to justice使归案受审
. L9 t0 T# R, x$ F& C# H, p5 b  国际条约international treaties
6 I" d+ k$ r+ T0 P, K3 H* j8 E  世界知识产权组织world intellectual property organization  X* S7 u$ |3 k; ]% w) _! _4 }
  私营部门the private sector
* a6 d. K2 a, j% @/ i  知识产权intellectual property
+ Q2 s9 F) M! Z5 q6 t  总干事director geneor
) O; e' n) \0 `9 X  在进入新的千年之际at the threshold of the new millennium
( V) p8 j/ r$ W  v$ s# \  成员国member countries
# U* m' v3 N8 l( T& F. F# I  纲领性文件programmatic document
0 T; ]" I/ k0 W! \0 z2 p  基本人权fundamental human rights# A! v8 w  i$ E( b& v' k
  殖民枷锁colonialist shackles
: u% s" z1 w% U$ a( x  [  任重道远the burden is heavy and the road is long% L1 X( W" m1 R( b$ T( m; E( \" z
  internet phone industry网络电话业/ A" ^1 [1 s! O
  vast potential for future development广阔的发展前景
% a9 O5 @( m6 r1 ^. `+ M9 S  telephone sound quality电话音质; [2 r/ E" @  o0 o! S  W
  instantaneous transmission即时传输4 O5 U( |0 b2 K5 M) M: G: R8 J( K
  gps(global positioning system)全球卫星定位系统+ Y. q/ A, |7 E" e" `+ t; ^+ l) ]
  relay station中继站6 @( r/ T6 t3 D: r6 c+ ]1 b
  intelligent traffic management systems智能交通管理系统/ i# }3 z1 \# L# y7 O
  分子生物学molecular biology
  f/ n% u0 |6 J; }  能源综合利用comprehensive utilization of energy
$ @7 w6 @# O2 S" y6 D  认识科学cognitive science# ]! n4 a/ T8 N6 q1 ~) G7 I
  生产力productive force
0 Z- O* ?; q, p* O- O  推动力量driving force
* q& F& b* T4 F* m, x7 _/ H  相对论the theory of relativity( [  U9 R9 v  t6 ~$ Y
  行为科学behavior science8 A* t" T! s) Y' B- Y$ s
  知识科学knowledge economy, Y" N% K% I; w4 C0 R5 l! _
  新兴产业rising economy  ^. ~5 [; {5 e& E. |
  层出不穷emerge one after another! i( M' B2 u4 E) D3 b$ q
  科教兴国战略the strategy of economic development through science-technology and education
+ D1 x2 Z0 L$ X# N# k9 t: A" J5 Q  可持续发展sustainable development( ], J9 q: ~0 ~9 U
  试点工程pilot program4 @6 w. {2 T* C& g9 N
  严峻挑战serious challenges
, J. D" N# W" N! N. h  U$ L9 \. a  运行机制operational mechanism: B  o) P+ s  r6 Y- A
  中国科学院chinese academy of sciences
! J0 L0 \  g6 j8 f  综合国力the overall national strength
& ^# A' H8 z( n" u- {, q- t  磁悬浮铁路magnetic suspended railway* }2 ~2 u/ q3 g/ \* ~0 A
  root causes根本原因* c+ l; u+ J5 Q* E
  juvenile crime bill青少年犯罪
! |3 e: |+ }7 x5 w  u% m  idle talk闲聊$ n. B9 E$ H8 z- p
  easy access to 轻易接近* E1 s" N0 s9 \5 g4 J/ z6 q
  zero tolerance绝不容忍
7 N) L- N& D* W, Z5 T  balanced budget 预算平衡
8 `& ~7 A5 m% T/ m. P1 w: F% z  step up to its responsibilities 担负起责任- a% o& g' c6 A- b
  law enforcement professionals执法者
! z9 v- i5 z& z  debit card提款卡& Y3 g& \* w; o# j" ~
  magnetic stripe磁条' T. ?* |4 U0 a2 b) G5 {, |+ u6 X
  parking meter停车计费表" B7 H* o/ K+ @3 K$ C+ }
  personal identification number 密码
3 R* T' t) @8 r/ n  pull double duty具备双重功能3 R2 Y  F5 T5 u* C
  electronic versions电子交易- J7 k$ ?' a. e' G
  chip-enhanced versions加强性芯片
, {# V/ [* t' X% t9 L! x  be hot for the idea热衷于这个主意
. U4 _4 s3 B. l- K+ m! O  遥控器remote controller2 _" o9 U4 a" w4 H; R
  无孔不入all pervasive3 j4 n2 e7 C5 z  B! `' I" o
  增强性能strengthen the property% `3 V# M. |6 X3 E
  减少故障to reduce the breakdown- \/ v- ^$ I" Y4 I3 p
  原动力motive power9 T7 ?* o* E& K0 j
  高架铁路aerial train; }- F. A! z1 F% R4 ]5 W# B% c' X  N
  汽车废气的排放discharge of automobile exhaust fumes
4 k; N3 `0 t' T& A  毗邻而居be adjacent to" C* Y5 `" J3 R, `) z7 e
  state-of-the art 最新型的,最优良的
% P0 l" F  g1 w* j2 [0 C  three-dimensional三维的,立体的
4 H; v! m9 d* q9 L& d! g% i6 _  ground-breaking 开拓性的,独创的( ?- T3 w2 ]* F: ^
  organizing committee组委会
' x6 D  B4 D" f7 s) e2 I  innovative approach创新方法
7 N% {7 h, Q8 q& T6 @6 C  V4 b, ^3 T  marketing partner市场合作伙伴) q: P+ g# T2 k7 k- r
  a giant leap into the future走向未来的一次飞跃
% u$ S1 [6 w4 A6 W  cash for votes用钱拉选票# w" X* p- U4 b( n& z4 P
  bribery scandal贿赂丑闻) f: L3 _0 j7 h" B7 Y/ o6 l
  草地网球lawn tennis
! f+ Z) I6 A! r! ?8 M3 t5 r0 U  发球区service court2 ^8 @& x+ Q7 M  a4 R: j9 |! I5 p/ n
  处于执牛耳的地位occupy a leading position
: `7 S5 u. D8 a) f0 \  体育道德精神sportsmanship
. [' O$ n$ v2 \; {  以全体运动员的名义in the name of all the athletes
0 w2 g( \* J! p  借助不正当的手段resort to unjust means

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