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[意语基础] 意大利语学习:划分音节

发表于 2012-8-17 13:54:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Italian words are divided into syllables as follows: 9 {5 E$ U6 H  M/ N/ q
A single consonant goes with the following vowel." ?0 K/ T( ^4 x$ ^: i* r4 Q9 P
Italian English $ d6 @2 Y; N  Q8 @
ca–sa house
, T  K0 S4 ?+ Y; l8 @po–si–ti–vo positive
; R; M8 q& O5 P# J5 j6 g; D
6 W" s9 k1 g& `/ N" L$ ODouble consonants are divided.
/ ^: u& n1 |0 c; n, w) pItalian English
0 i( Q; b% a: \% B: s4 M5 P5 Bbab–bo dad * t# Q, F% E+ o0 J$ F7 `
ros–so red
3 p& X- Y! v' {- w# A! k+ @- f1 c" `bel–lo beautiful
# e% E3 W5 n, ?7 {% ]at–to act
0 |% `( k/ e8 k" d) u% a8 K! O  r' X6 F& `
Two consonants, the first of which is l, m, n, or r, are divided.2 T; z, O! b! q- N- H
Italian English 8 O4 H/ i/ {. z0 I
al–ber–go hotel
; g. V/ P5 I) J: \8 hcon–ten–to contented $ @- [; V( O/ R8 X
am–pio ample + P0 `* g1 {0 p$ }" L' \7 r
for–tu–na fortune
$ `. I3 S5 j- M: O
2 w, r/ u! P% R  X$ J7 `  C: MOtherwise, a combination of two consonants belongs to the following syllable.
$ P2 X6 _3 V* v. M$ B( h& ]Italian English 1 H# @) `. \# U, Y3 K* H+ e' l
ba–sta enough
/ m& _8 ]9 v& q4 x, Afi–glio son
5 T0 ?$ B7 G6 m  _' J. s6 s4 xpa–dre father
' S$ ]8 a+ L4 [) \ba–gno bath
; `- \% D7 e0 Lso–pra above
% A: M2 w5 Y4 I% esa–cro sacred
8 m6 \6 b+ A$ n$ V
& Z* L/ C$ Q2 o, vThe first of three consonants, except s, goes with the preceding syllable., v3 a2 u- o5 l2 E* x
Italian English $ z$ G9 N& E- Y* \: }
sem–pre always
" m. Y2 G$ l0 U4 U
" r, U$ ~; g# f1 _fel–tro felt ) k: B8 Z( D! m
mem–bro member $ C- f: u5 h0 G- ~
men–tre while) r* K! ?$ o2 ]. D$ A% Q* D; j9 Z
! \& W1 C+ O- F: o+ I
BUT8 n2 q7 [3 \/ p6 M
Italian English
2 y6 H% y- ~9 U  j8 P: r( ^! |. {" {fi–ne–stra window
. Y+ _/ Z: ^, E# c3 Epe–sche peaches
& ?0 |) C, U7 L, O+ t* Mmi–ne–stra soup
) V$ A0 p, Z# P4 @% D8 hmo–stro monster
# H+ z; _3 p1 }# I6 I4 J  }1 m' P( }( r* K, ^
Diphthongs and triphthongs are never divided.# d4 t. e4 W8 ^( }+ k
Italian English
: Q6 m$ F: R! {. |9 znuo–vo new $ T+ c2 `! N- t! Z9 p4 A
mie–le honey
2 y2 {. N, N7 Q' A$ I- Gper–fi–dia spite 9 @2 v- @4 n6 c: t- H! H0 Z
uo–mo man ! }' s  |5 f& p$ L- a" e
mai never
0 ]$ K$ u' f& S  E' d+ ]lin–gua language
* {. d  ^5 Y& h* bsuoi his
( C2 }' O2 P. V- gpi–gliai I took/ S6 e1 [& l9 K" n9 o, q" K

( ?9 ?& h7 P) D+ u5 N3 Y! qDiphthongs may occur in stressed or unstressed syllables. However, when a diphthong is broken by stress (the vowel i or u directly bears the stress), then the two vowels break into separate syllables." g1 S* t$ E7 R6 P) ~% L, r
Italian English % x' U' s2 i, n- {. c( ~$ Q
mi–o mine
. h( G) F, w; D: T& Otu–o yours - \  h0 z) X: X
spi–a spy 9 k4 R: s6 c* v; \( t0 Q  j0 Z  I
ma–ni–a mania 0 r  e, N: C% p" N0 Y
rin–vi–o postponement
8 g' ?* F0 d+ R- b6 lte–ra–pi–a therapy
( M! M4 S0 `9 M7 m. S0 T1 D9 Zal–le–gri–a joy
" K+ O+ G, T+ i, E4 B) kfar–ma–ci–a pharmacy

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