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发表于 2012-2-23 17:09:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2.2 Drawing the graph and identifying the feasible region   Drawing the graph
  § Step 4 of the linear programming model is to represent the constraints as straight lines on a graph.
  § In order to plot the constraints it is normally best to compute the intercepts of the equalities on the horizontal and vertical axes. Thus, x and y are each set equal to zero in turn and the value of y and x computed in these circumstances.
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  Step 4 of the linear programming model is to represent the constraints as straight lines on a graph. We do this below. In the meantime, this section contains basic revision for students who are not familiar with the process of graphing a straight line.
  To begin with, we must have a linear relationship between two measurements.
  Examples y = 3x + 1
  y = 2x + 42 etc.
  1 To recognise a linear relationship the equation must have only ‘x’ not ‘x’ to the power of anything, e.g. x2.
  2 A straight line has two characteristics:
  (i) a slope or gradient – which measures the ‘steepness’ of the line
  (ii) a point at which it cuts the y axis – this is called the intercept:
  y = (slope × x) + intercept
  e.g. y = 2x + 3
  ∴ the gradient is 2 and the point at which the line cuts the y axis is 3.
  To draw a straight line graph we only need to know two points that can then be joined.
  Consider the following two equations:
  (i) y = 2x + 3

  (ii) y = 2x – 2

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