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[新概念英语第一册] 新概念英语第一册美音版:Lesson 33 A fine day

发表于 2012-8-18 11:06:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
% P2 S: s, o! ]/ m/ }) p+ {& D- t. y* K
9 c8 g* w3 ~0 Z4 j" X$ aLesson 33 A fine day
% ?9 G4 k6 K" r+ X) V; e9 ~4 W: p晴天$ A( U: c7 a/ O) I3 t( E4 t% Y
Listen to the tape then answer this question.+ J  e$ s5 [% S% y% Z
& G; o8 _) D& r2 wWhere is the Jones family?
4 h/ C2 [2 ?- ?琼斯一家人在哪里?* h  K- ]3 ?1 b5 Z( p9 C  e1 y
It is a fine day today.+ }- v+ }8 [( H3 P5 Y& |
$ t0 Q* R& B3 c& X  i& I- S+ tThere are some clouds in the sky,
1 {7 D# D0 O! }' ]  l  J天空中飘着几朵云,
, I' X* }/ x" q& B* b, C/ Pbut the sun is shining.1 n3 b# ^; ?# r% T
# q/ T0 G$ @$ a; b: lMr. Jones is with his family.) l. ^# M0 @/ {3 c
' c* w7 d$ F. }* hThey are walking over the bridge.
" ?- ~9 s4 [6 l$ c' F他们正在过桥。7 a% A0 t" p. b
There are some boats on the river.( Z4 A! d) c2 Y
河上有几艘船。; o2 }# c; Q" Y- a! e) G
Mr. Jones and his wife are looking at them.% Y' w" S( U1 j/ z( g; r4 R6 k
琼斯先生和他的妻子正在看这些船。- A* [, w4 R  v# T4 R3 O! h
Sally is looking at a big ship.
& R  c8 z& X% V9 q莎莉正在观看一艘大船。
( P1 o4 {& C' R( O* o' H4 b! |/ MThe ship is going under the bridge.
* m4 k  v! q9 R9 P, X4 Q, X那船正从桥下驶过。
9 B$ d5 {, Y* s- \  MTim is looking at an aeroplane.
  t. f! r+ Z+ I2 y" c0 j) _1 {蒂姆正望着一架飞机。
6 {& v: K8 i3 B- j. A+ Z3 a# K( uThe aeroplane is flying over the river.
# P. z  f9 Z  z& Y" P飞机正从河上飞过。

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