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[新概念英语第一册] 新概念英语第一册美音版:Lesson 27 Mrs. smith's living room

发表于 2012-8-18 11:06:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Lesson 27 Mrs. smith's living room
+ Q& O" \1 {$ g& Z  n' @史密斯太太的客厅
; |8 ?6 z6 f9 d* A1 O* \7 c% CListen to the tape then answer this question., f8 n* ^0 S& v2 L
听录音,然后回答问题。- y& Z( g( W& A, q* E& z
Where are the books?" j( H! Q' S2 }: t0 T  f
书在哪里?, @+ }6 `1 [5 M) [8 P
Mrs. Smith's living room is large.
! Q$ {9 i3 b" C& \  i+ ^史密斯夫人的客厅很大。, n! j  x* g1 r' r; d. K0 S
There is a television in the room.
& O, \' P2 H, m/ c6 E客厅里有台电视机。4 D; g. d- X' [2 L
The television is near the window.
6 o( @. O+ n7 C电视机靠近窗子。
2 e2 N0 u* p: i9 Z  MThere are some magazines on the television.
7 i7 L8 }9 d; w/ N. z6 G) W8 I电视机上放着几本杂志。% \3 b$ R5 _' l) Z. H" W& D1 \
There is a table in the room.
; M8 |1 p8 g0 J. _# j+ w! ^4 q( b客厅里有张桌子。3 j& y8 C0 L/ F0 w0 H
There are some newspapers on the table.6 z+ {1 n) n  j4 N5 j3 m8 O; g; m
桌上放着几份报纸。( N* C! U' n" K- I( k6 p, P8 r
There are some armchairs in the room.
1 k! c# |2 T  q$ t0 r客厅里有几把扶手椅。- R7 `) {* ]+ n4 B; S' {* r7 a) ]
The armchairs are near the table.% ~6 i8 b% d/ F) z/ ?
那些扶手椅靠近桌子。: l8 B% R4 }9 g; ?7 V
There is a stereo in the room.
* B: |0 {9 I4 F4 L' @客厅里有台立体声音响。6 d& Q0 R+ C% w" o% G1 h
The stereo is near the door.: Z' b  K* z5 C8 v& S6 w, Y
音响靠近门。' u6 A( G+ z) q6 D+ R& K
There are some books on the stereo.
5 H7 h9 H2 k$ I, A4 x7 R音响上面有几本书。3 B; _2 H: Y0 I0 c. q* j4 c
There are some pictures in the room.
3 ]% o, c, P. D4 Z0 e8 F客厅里有几幅画。5 ~* K- M2 y* G" d
The pictures are on the wall./ S, u0 k4 h+ l9 P+ h

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