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[新概念英语第一册] 新概念英语第一册美音版:Lesson 35 Our village

发表于 2012-8-18 11:06:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3 _6 P( m% ?5 R( E( A" R& G+ n
9 w+ _: s; B1 ?7 B) J7 K; r$ I同步字幕下载[点击右键另存为]# A/ J. j$ z0 M1 |2 f; t
Lesson 35 Our village& O2 c! Y' V5 b6 k
我们的村庄9 [4 o9 a: I) k, d4 g
Listen to the tape then answer this question.
& |' k. p4 M' H. z* A0 p1 Z' g听录音,然后回答问题。
, U3 Y* _6 g# c: ^5 J, o& s/ ~6 NAre the children coming out of the park or going into it?: o0 _. u2 t6 y0 y3 v$ a) m% Z
孩子们是正从公园里出来还是正在往里走?4 W: y2 d+ u7 [5 q! O3 b9 D; P
This is a photograph of our village.+ t# B/ W1 f7 D0 H/ l- ]
这是我们村庄的一张照片。% z1 Q( {; z6 D: ^5 I( x  C& Y
Our village is in a valley.
" {+ k" F; G% L+ m- g2 a1 [我们的村庄坐落在一个山谷之中。/ V! p& F/ d7 K8 S& h+ o
It is between two hills.
: S+ B/ j' O) f. B7 d8 x9 \它位于两座小山之间。
/ q3 M& J4 F& V" S5 {The village is on a river.- Z. D+ }5 S$ o5 z- v( d; s
! Z; q% I' p* W% r) }) P/ eHere is another photograph of the village.
( Q/ w/ B" a( I6 y) G! I0 ~这是我们村庄的另一张照片。
" K, S4 ~3 B+ ]+ z! }+ YMy wife and I are walking along the banks of the river.
' v0 S2 Q( h+ g, \  @5 o我和妻子正沿河岸走着。( a3 n# @; h* A3 v0 Z% b) a
We are on the left.1 `: S; t$ V( C' ]
我们在河的左侧。% h* Q4 x8 f: o5 V0 Z
There is a boy in the water.& e  s  Q7 d2 Y/ x8 v6 D9 _
河里面有个男孩。+ e0 Y; j2 q1 ^! j+ t" X' @
He is swimming across the river.5 R9 W; Z) |% p6 d2 V
他正横渡小河。/ _, T! h+ ?: o/ v: L
Here is another photograph.; f$ b: a! S! S. E& O( G$ w" F
这是另一张照片。# s: l5 J6 b5 }* v/ m
This is the school building.
4 i: M" v; p# S这是学校大楼。
3 z/ R8 x* s( d( _. a3 W5 FIt is beside a park.
8 x: A3 y, [* x, @/ A它位于公园的旁边。
- i2 f5 g0 C+ ~1 c! r1 ~9 BThe park is on the right." d6 f9 v  M1 V% X4 T* o% i0 |
0 t! y- `5 {! {# @) Z2 V& \. ]Some children are coming out of the building." c2 u6 Q6 ]$ \; U. T1 M9 G6 M
: [; ]# Q3 a) U: R! e; h! M6 ZSome of them are going to the park.( {* [1 h/ k' ~7 ^/ W* E; C3 _7 }

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