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[综合] 外贸术语大全

发表于 2012-3-7 13:33:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
报关员辅导科目 主讲 课时 试听 报名
精讲班 覃珍珍 100讲 试听
报关程序真题解析班 覃珍珍 19讲 试听
商品归类真题解析班 覃珍珍 29讲 试听
报关单真题解析班 覃珍珍 29讲 试听
冲刺班(高清) 覃珍珍 30讲 试听
内部资料班 覃珍珍 不单独出售,VIP套餐赠送
  装运 shipment. loading   X! K1 V+ B6 z/ b
  装上货轮 to ship, to load, to take on a ship 8 d. _* j1 Z6 p: F- P- W4 n
  装运费 shipping charges, shipping commission ; E2 D9 t" I! P
  装运单||载货单 shipping invoice ' F. J. G( X: q
  装运单据 shipping documents
" E& m" q1 K  V$ J2 Z$ P7 r" O  大副收据 mates receipt
/ V% p8 ^% `7 u" D' V8 ?  装船单 shipping order
. E' ~" H$ E7 F. ^8 s  提货单 delivery order, dandy note
% z3 d- @: E4 g& E% M$ ?  装船通知 shipping advice : `) q( c; }( U
  包裹收据 parcel receipt 0 X- _$ x9 Y/ a9 G* F) D0 J7 P
  准装货单 shipping permit
. {* D2 n+ F; R6 j  \  租船契约 charter party
. Z+ M1 q; |7 n- k- m8 u  租船人 charterer
% n" k. C; ?; k6 C8 B  程租船||航次租赁 voyage charter 9 Q9 h7 ?9 k9 K( b+ ^, h2 D
  期租船 time charter
& y1 P; r/ l# h  允许装卸时间 lay days, laying days
0 W' T6 c" |# A8 O. m- ^9 d  工作日 working days 9 ?2 y( ~  N9 ]$ O; A
  连续天数 running days, consecutive days
% c: v) f; S! @' c3 o$ ~  滞期费 demurrage 7 R0 K; l  U+ Y% B
  滞期日数 demurrage days
/ L1 ~+ K! @' M5 o  速遣费 dispatch money 7 r0 b* [8 y0 u+ H2 ]2 A. ~3 u) o5 w
  空舱费 dead freight
) w) v7 G2 n9 A  退关 short shipment, goods short shipped, goods shut out, shut-outs
! Z5 k" d6 l- m  赔偿保证书(信托收据) letter of indemnity, trust receipt
/ O2 c: M" |% F8 K# w  装载 loading / ^6 i7 |4 }2 U9 B) K
  卸货 unloading, discharging, landing % M/ q) _) u5 M, b* \; n; n* M* S
  装运重量 shipping weight, in-take-weight
9 b$ |& D8 C# ^# S2 P  卸货重量 landing weight
# m% j+ R" k% ^' [6 Z# |1 g  压舱 ballasting 9 Z2 e, i; G( D- A+ P/ {
  压舱货 in ballast
+ {# g+ |1 I% G* I  舱单 manifest   q0 U  t! J6 L. h0 b. D! u
  船泊登记证书 ships certificate of registry
* X  ]+ T) w9 z, ^  航海日记 ships log . H2 u7 q4 _. G
  船员名册 muster-roll % f: }3 ]9 Y# Z) _4 L( P' [# S
  (船员, 乘客)健康证明 bill of health
0 F9 \$ F: F! B& [% _  光票 clean bill
' d# p5 Z  j+ b1 i7 j5 Z( Y4 T2 j  不清洁提单 foul bill ) r9 G! h' A  K6 s( r# @
  有疑问提单 suspected bill % \8 @- }  B6 `& n3 v
8 ^: l+ q8 O: X* L3 f- T  用木箱包装 to be cased. to be encased ; P1 `) _# M$ F
  用袋装 to be bagged
/ L% ]4 x. r, J; W  用纸箱包装 to be boxed 1 `+ ?  y  z; T2 o) N$ T, h4 Y* W: G
  用席包 to be matted - Z: f6 {' z8 R
  用捆包to be baled
$ h3 f/ a9 T3 G2 B! s  包装费另计 casing extra
. [% h* K" x+ n' O  包装费不另计算 cased free 8 n8 _) k& q/ K6 }5 L* Z4 N
  装箱免费 boxed free
% z8 R+ t9 N/ v# p/ J  代费免除 bagged free 报关员教材

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