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[考试试题] 2012年单证员考试复习阶段练习题(11)

发表于 2012-3-14 15:27:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  为了帮助考生系统的复习单证员考试课程 全面的了解单证员考试的相关重点,小编特编辑汇总了2011年单证员考试相关资料,希望对您参加本次考试有所帮助!/ v9 i. J$ e. l. U4 H
  38. ( )If L/C calls for invoices in quintuplicate, which of the following statements is correct?
9 A. m; C6 B" U! w/ ?! j2 ?3 p  A. Beneficiary may present two original invoices plus two copies.
7 J/ Z% d2 g8 q8 _  B. Beneficiary. may present four original invoices.! v+ ~' l& z# p
  C. Beneficiary may present four copies of invoices.3 \* T; c% t9 |# `
  D. Beneficiary may present at least one original invoice plus four copies of invoices.# P+ @! V3 D) @5 E% m, a5 n+ S5 [
  39. ( )The beneficiary can minimize the risks of its failure to comply with L/C conditions by
) B; T8 X& f9 J7 o' W  A. reading all the conditions of the L/C carefully as soon as they receive the L/C. B$ c0 U2 i0 e+ ?+ H6 w
  B. immediately requesting an amendment to the L/C terms if any of the conditions appear to vary from the commercial agreement, or if the beneficiary find it difficult to satisfy any
1 t8 h4 I* t* u1 v  A* O9 Z  of the credit conditions$ l5 H1 W  J: @& T* @3 ~
  C. shipping the goods first to avoid late shipment and then immediately requesting an amendment to the L/ C terms if any of the conditions appear to vary from the commercial1 ^+ t, M" u: Z& h* C) s
  agreement, or if the beneficiary find it difficult to satisfy any of the credit conditions& a6 L: m7 M1 `4 A' h/ E/ u) ~! A9 x
  D. obtaining a confirmation of the L/C by a bank in the beneficiary‘s country
" `6 x5 A- f% G" T& r+ }% f7 Y3 F  40.( )If L/C calls for an insurance policy, then the beneficiary should make sure of following except:
1 `8 o2 F  H8 B! k7 y& k/ N# X  A. the document tendered is not a cover note
0 e# t. p3 Y4 m: J; w  B. the document tendered must be an insurance policy5 d/ Z5 E: U/ _; P+ A% P
  C. the date of cover is effective9 s  s/ s( y3 D/ k: @+ u) _7 g
  D. the risks must be covered as per PICC clauses+ ?1 v3 B4 |: q
  IV. Multiple choice questions. (Of following questions, there are more than one correct answers to each question. Please select the correct answers to each question.)
0 b8 ?- I6 Z5 i3 T6 C# r: `$ H  1. ( )If the remitting bank has honored documents against an indemnity in respect of discrepancies, the parties should be concerned with this indemnity are:
. |" M. o1 V. g' a7 V7 E6 z% l  A. the issuing bank3 J. s- H8 X+ P' G; g) O
  B. the confirming bank( O3 u7 ^! K( C, k/ K# I
  C. the beneficiary+ Z* d" L1 B; G, N4 L
  D. the remitting bank; n  z9 W4 y" s
  2.( )The documents that am NOT documents of tide and NOT applicable to UCP transport Articles are:" I( z4 h8 T8 |) a/ L6 g, _
  A. delivery order
" z3 T6 y$ z2 H. y  B. FCR
! c& M) d, R: H( u, i  C. copy of ocean B/L$ g$ t2 ~1 r( U( ]4 P7 ~# h
  D. original ocean B/L

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