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[考试试题] 2011年单证员考试复习阶段练习题(10)

发表于 2012-3-14 15:27:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  为了帮助考生系统的复习单证员考试课程 全面的了解单证员考试的相关重点,小编特编辑汇总了2011年单证员考试相关资料,希望对您参加本次考试有所帮助!
2 a& V# C! G8 ~1 m, |5 o0 f, j  31. ( )Under DDP terms, who is responsible for all import requirements and payments in addition?
7 x/ }4 q! G* x# ]  A. Importer
, p4 B. a! S' \" g4 ^9 L* F  b  B. Exporter
" ]5 I! ]& Y( ~3 s# g  C. Issuing bank" ~( d! Z) a6 T0 n
  D. Confirming bank
- z( f9 p. }" {4 E  32. ( )L/C may be payable at all but one of die following locations:" D+ g9 Z* }# r2 I' O, d" w4 S
  A. Confirming Bank‘s counters
7 n6 }9 ^  L1 B7 ?  B. Nominated bank‘ s counters, or at the counters of any bank if the L/C is freely negotiable
3 i! r8 L3 n2 n, L4 W  C. Issuing Bank‘s counters
3 j  m! w+ y$ U) b  D. Reimbursing Bank‘s counters
# T/ p. M* `& u; ~6 \  33. ( )The beneficiary ABC Export Co. receives an amendment from the advising bank that states:2 ^! i6 R* X* U: P
  * IJC now extends to Jan. 31, 2005 instead of Jan. 1st, 2005
2 F& b3 t( ~. j$ u6 d; U  * Unit prices now reduces to USD1.50 instead of USD2.50.# }7 f) r# }! _& \& ^
  ABC Export Co. presented stipulated documents to the nominated bank C within the presentation period of L/C on Jan. 25, 2005 and invoice showing unit price as USD2.50.
, V2 |0 R3 ?) R; C5 H$ @  Which of the following statements is correct according to UCP500 if documents are otherwise in order?
+ v  U5 a: i1 V  p) f  A. Bank C should accept the documents since documents are presented within presentation period and validity of L/C according to the amendment
9 b; s, x& l4 q* N4 C  B. Bank C should reject the documents since the beneficiary only accepted part of the amendment to the L/C4 z! s" X$ `; ~6 J# g" l
  C. Bank C should accept the documents since ABC Export Co. presented documents according to unit price stated in the original IMC and within the new expiry date
- V+ [  A6 {2 I4 j  indicated in the amendment
& m; Y2 c. s" L) y  D. Bank C should reject the documents since ABC Export Co. did not indicate in writing whether they had rejected or accepted the amendment8 K6 m/ v" l( X
  34.( )When goods are in transit by track from Xi‘ an to Pakistan border, which trade terms in INCOTERMS 2000is normally used?
1 I0 z, ]) X3 z- [- l8 w! w  A. CIP
  \5 J% Q9 O' B2 \$ e  B. CPT1 Z1 u! G* V2 G) b0 D7 k
  C. DAF
0 I7 |) \. E% ]  D4 W  D. DEQ- w9 w- K  F7 i" q- S; k/ b
  35. ( )Which of the following INCOTERMS requires the exporter to supply insurance ?7 \5 g; F* _- q5 o/ O
  A. VAS
. ?; ^8 r) v; \  B. CFR
7 H  B& s  n& S3 `+ |  C. ClF6 D; |6 S* `3 k2 }2 Z
  D. EXW
% x" o0 I) X) M- S  36. ( )A bank that informs the beneficiary of the IMC received at the request of the issuing bank is called:
: C' n2 w/ E; t/ Y  A. Advising bank
6 K) [2 h- B8 x! n' ]1 M2 P  B. Nominated bank
0 x( b& e% P; [1 n* S$ K  C. Reimbursing bank
' m2 Y6 Y( z, M  D. Confirming bank
3 y& D4 v7 ~: t- C: }2 G, ^  37. ( )L/C states:
, D  S' J2 U! G3 H: n  F; H5 {4 R  Shipment schedule First lot: T-shirts, latest date of shipment: June 20, 20059 y. \1 C- ]  w& T0 U
  second lot: skirts, latest date of shipment: July 1st, 20053 z5 E' Y% o% d* b( J
  Shipment must be effected in two separate lots.
+ {; E4 `$ L8 _+ ]  For the first lot, beneficiary shipped T-shirts on June 21, 2005 and the issuing bank
  ]4 ?& `% s3 Y) u4 ~! V* F7 L8 X; W- D  refused payment because of late shipment of the first lot.$ F: N, R. g" G7 t" i8 e
  For the second lot, beneficiary shipped skirts on June 30, 2005 and presented documents to' n: y# t, X  [& k. A/ t  K
  the issuing bank for payment.
* t% }2 ]1 J: Q$ p+ W" c: T6 N- T  According to UCPSO0, which of the following statements is correct?
3 B6 {+ r( d5 J* t+ y3 l8 S* F  A. Issuing bank may refuse payment because the shipment schedule stipulated in L/C is not followe D.
( ~3 s) d4 p; G7 h7 [1 G  B. Issuing bank may refuse payment because the beneficiary did not ship the second lot on July lst, 2005 as stipulated in the L/C.5 B: F) X5 L& J! E
  C. Issuing bank may not refuse payment for both the first and the second lots because the latest date of shipment is July 1*t, 2005.
2 c+ Y  a. G  Y* K) ]# u  D. Issuing bank may not refuse payment because the second lot was shipped within the given period stipulated in the Credit.

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