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[考试辅导] 2011年报检员考试辅导:外贸英语实战(8)

发表于 2012-3-14 16:01:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  为了帮助考生系统的复习报检员考试课程,全面的了解报检员考试的相关重点,小编特编辑汇总了2011年报检员考试辅导材料,希望对您参加本次考试有所帮助!!4 k" e9 {: S+ ~& @/ {
  transportation insurance 运输保险5 v% ?; r) S$ K
  overland transportation insurance,land transit insurance 陆上运输保险
2 [- N# Y. g9 n  insurance against air risk,air transportation insurance 航空运输保险
2 t5 ~: w) ^! J# d( i  parcel post insurance 邮包运输保险
* o- k7 A' R, z# P" Q& P  ocean marine cargo insurance,marine insurance 水险(海运货物保险)
9 h& O, l$ S, t8 [& K2 ?# [  All Risks 一切险
$ h" D9 O1 M0 f1 h* I% a" B# i( i  average 海损
7 d4 I5 b8 E1 h; `  Particular Average (P.A)单独海损
* S4 |" p8 \' u7 P: H  General Average (G.A)共同海损/ ]7 C- {: d, o4 A' v( d* s3 L4 Q
  Marine Losses 海损
& k9 ]2 p# a6 o5 Q( n. `  partial loss 部分损失
: P1 `. g9 L; Q3 y  P! s0 E. c* R" Q  total loss 全部损失
2 J$ }! T/ f2 i7 b  Please tell me whether I need to purchase a foreign student policy.
: }# l; \# s) n+ Z) F  告诉我是否我需要购买外国学生保险。: c' q' q  R. u
  I'd like to know whether basic health insurance coverage should include benefits for outpatient,hospital,surgery and medical expenses.
, N0 c& J+ x8 j$ Q6 L' |  我想知道基本健康保险所列的项目是否应包括医院门诊,住院,手术及药品等费用的赔偿。. d6 K( h: h( N7 G; W$ Z
  Will you please tell me where I can purchase health insurance?% k) o; o) A! N1 r3 }
9 Q9 i- I5 I& J2 h  Health insurance is merely a mean by which people pool money to guard against the sudden economic consequences of sickness or injury.) S3 v2 ^/ W# \' e, E
% O/ d* g5 A  Z; f0 j# Z( o  “Major medical”insurance policies are designed to help offset heavy medical expenses that can result from a prolonged illness or serious injury.& }) s! \9 k( j; X
  “巨额医药费保险”旨在协助减轻久病及重伤所造成的重大医药开支。% q# j4 `  r; s9 I: m, Z" W) h9 Q
  If the benefits provided under a certain policy have a dollar limitation for each service,you should determine whether these limitations are realistic.
+ {. ~9 P3 M6 l+ j7 _  如果某一家保险公司的健康保险对每种服务定有赔偿限额,你应断定这些限额是否合乎实际。

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