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[货代试题] 2010年国际货运专业英语考试真题及答案(17)

发表于 2012-3-17 14:18:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  一、英译汉(前10道题,每题0.5分,第11道题5分,共10分)0 Q, E) \0 Y4 Q* y" K+ r
  (1) back-to-back credit
6 `. D2 `0 H/ [, u: i  (2) insurance premium
& D* y) ?; x# v, }: b3 v  (3) CFR, `+ w2 c7 v! j! p' I
  (4) bank draft- ~# s/ y0 ?7 q/ E8 s" W- B
  (5) document of title% v6 G- u9 P" T  Y
  (6) letter of indemnity
  ?# z/ g% L& J- Z  C  (7) Entry Inwards- D. f1 ]" u- O# o
  (8) factors of production
% ?4 v2 D( x" L/ b. \" f  (9) hazardous goods3 `" M4 n/ M6 u
  (10) flat rate
7 [2 [4 P3 z# z: I0 q, z' L  (11) “Carriage paid to…”means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier nominated by him but the seller must in addition pay the cost of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the named destination.' L, Z! ]( P/ v& m' o  A  x8 r
  答案:(1)背对背信用证 (2)保险费 (3)成本加运费(4)银行汇票 (5)物权凭证 (6)保函 (7)进口报关单 (8)生产要素 (9)危险品 (10)统一费率" \) b& L, e  u/ C* N
  (11)“运费付至”指卖方向其指定的承运人交货,但卖方还必须支付货物运至目的地的运费。8 g, F0 F( }. B$ H5 o4 _
  二、汉译英(英文全拼,简写不得分,前10道题,每题0.5分,第11道题5分,共10分)) u! D* W' G0 K: W' t8 V% T" V
  (1)内河运输+ y9 y( H: F1 Q  f
( m$ e0 o  \1 y3 N$ t  (3)水渍险3 C" E) }7 o) _- x5 ], ~7 a
+ `3 g+ s! h5 l6 [) e5 k4 t  (5)协会货物保险条款$ h+ D2 k/ G  R: @0 z7 a$ O9 c
$ T/ l5 l( I  f  (7)清洁提单. b' n) t% G" L0 `
: d# [" h9 F3 F. E, N& ^9 t" Y; I  (9)包机9 \7 l6 m  O" H9 h' Q
  (10 制成品
- _2 @( Z8 o: f/ M) O, W  (11)如信用证的到期日及/或信用证固定的交单期限的最后一天适逢接受单据的银行不营业,则规定的到期日及/或装运日后一定期限内交单的最后一天顺延至该银行开业的第一个营业日。
; k/ K9 w* W5 O1 r  答案:(1)inland waterway transport (2)constructive total loss (3) With particular Average (4) Gross Domestic Product (5) Institute Cargo Clause (6) negotiable document (7) clean bill of lading (8) inherent vice (9) charter flight (10) finished product (11) if the expiry date of the credit and/or the last day of the period of time for presentation of documents stipulated by the credit falls on a day on which the bank to which presentation has to be made is closed, the stipulated expiry date and/or the last day of the period of time after the date of shipment for presentation of documents, as the case may be, shall be extended to the first following day on which such bank is open.

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发表于 2023-7-7 14:35:27 | 显示全部楼层
(2)保险费 (3)成本加运费(4)银行汇票 (5)物权凭证 (6)保函 (7)进口报关单 (8)生产要素 (9)危险品 (10)统一费率9 x4 j* M$ z& U0 U- M/ _1 f, \6 ^

0 q8 {+ B+ g* j
开奖网开奖结果 交货,但卖
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