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[货代试题] 2012年国际货代考试(货代英语)复习题及答案8

发表于 2012-3-17 14:18:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. Which of the following is the written permission granted by the Customs to allow the export goods to be loaded on board_____? (B)
  u. W: d- c) ^; c2 d- m  A. entry inwards
$ n% _6 ~3 g, o8 s& \* O$ C  B. entry outwards
- C4 i/ V" |$ g; K2 S  x  C. export license
/ `! {. f2 ^) i4 {4 z: Q  D. outward export permit5 D( d' w- u) u& \2 {
  2. Which of the following is the written permission granted by the Customs to allow the import goods to be unloaded on board_____? (A)
6 b0 \, i8 D) F0 W  A. Entry Inwards
0 [3 @0 q! g2 Q0 L3 Y: `! Q  B. Entry Outwards8 s' O0 c, L* }0 m8 a
  C. Export License
$ e$ G7 f3 O" [+ ?/ M; u, _( n  D. outward export permit1 _& S2 ~3 e- y  _+ v
  3. Which of the following is the written permission granted by the Customs to allow to bring any imports and loaded exports_____? (D)
* ^5 m" m  s/ v; q- l( s  A. Entry Inwards
1 Z& u2 ]6 J! ~9 u  B. Entry Outwards0 z8 K6 {+ t) q
  C. Export License. \+ j# B4 }8 f- C! G
  D. Customs clearance
0 @9 q% A/ h) _$ G/ C  4. Which of the following statements are true about departure formalities_____? (ABD)
6 i! D5 B  @4 R9 R, P- v  A. application for port clearance has to be made before the intended departure
3 L- _% I4 c/ n9 @) A  B. application for port clearance has to be accompanied by the Export Manifest
0 r- Y9 B. n+ s( x! e* u  C. export goods can be loaded on to the vessel before Entry Outwards given5 b0 u4 \' w7 @0 ]" }' }, ~9 _
  D. A vessel which has loaded exports can leave the port only when port clearance is granted by the customs authorities.' g# [& n. {! o5 y7 z# o- z
  5. Which of the following statements are true about customs clearance_____? (CD)
" v9 P8 [  x. l  A. import cargo can be landed at any port& ^, j$ W7 y! M' I: {
  B. the customs authorities only inspect the goods imported physically4 `: L. {6 K! Z- K
  C. the customs authorities have powers to examine the goods imported3 Q# m) Y- i3 A- @2 j0 M# A& j
  D. before permission is given to remove the goods out of customs control, the owner or agent is required to submit a bill of entry

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