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[货代试题] 2012年国际货代考试(货代英语)复习题及答案7

发表于 2012-3-17 14:18:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 u; ]9 H$ J2 a+ B5 H: f  1. The costs of providing shipping services consist of_____. (A)  W+ c7 _# K3 ~- k# R
  A. fixed and variable costs
' [+ _6 _6 D  @  B. raw materials and production costs
0 |* }8 j3 `- V- u! B- `4 E  C. repair and maintenance expenses: r# j9 [+ ]2 Z7 }
  D. insurance and administrative costs
1 F4 h1 j  |5 D! d  2. When determining the freight rate, the age-old principle of “what the traffic can bear” is increasingly substituted by the _____ principle nowadays. (C)
% }0 S1 `8 w* g! S; [: o: g0 \& \0 F  A. open market rate B. surcharges C. service cost D. stowage factor& `: v, X9 I! G7 k- Z6 l# x
  3. Which of the following do fixed costs involve? _____. (ACD)
) M* v) o7 d% r  A. costs of officer and crew
# N1 V" c3 |0 y7 b4 ~. r  B. loading and unloading costs6 Y1 j1 A, i$ i( }7 ^6 A3 O& m3 T
  C. repair and maintenance expenses
9 V  z" b+ Z% z/ }. u  D. administrative costs/ n5 j1 G: k1 n$ O) j, G
  4. When determining the freight rate, which factors should be taken into account_____? (ABC)
6 ]7 |% M7 S7 |/ _9 Q  A. adjustment factors7 F, ]2 i1 ^' ?* l" p
  B. stowage factors& y2 ~: D9 m# B
  C. profit factor: S1 m/ p! E# ]7 S, b
  D. market factors
7 V8 ^9 g/ ?, y3 I  5. Which of the following do variable costs involve? _____. (ABD)
, U4 f: }; |( v, |  A. port charge" x: T2 S  c" Q1 {# O7 `
  B. loading and unloading costs
4 E3 U5 g8 ?+ o3 l: f  C. repair and maintenance expenses* x. }3 @0 R# R0 n$ E+ s; J
  D. costs of fuel4 l4 H' I" \; f" L5 L) k* I" i
  6. _____refers to the average number of cubic meters required to stow one ton of a commodity. (B): B" Q2 |; G& O# s$ F8 h
  A. adjustment factors B. stowage factors C. profit factor D. market factors
; {; o6 Y7 Q1 m, z2 g  7. Which of the following statements are true about liner freight rates_____? (CD)
  V- C* ^, V, v6 c0 E4 Z. c  A. they fluctuate with market conditions of supply and demand3 L3 r0 _2 N/ g5 b( G# Z5 e1 F; }  a
  B. liner freight rates are fixed by shipping conference and tramp service C. they are more related to the costs of operation
4 @" E: w5 p5 n3 g$ [  R7 I+ R  D. freight forwarders are mainly concerned with liner freight rates6 ~3 |6 c# ^  E+ V
  8. Which of the following statements are true _____? (BC)% ~# h8 L7 i3 f4 s
  A. tramp rates do not fluctuate with market conditions of supply and demand
2 f( r' K  w) O1 B1 A: V  B. liner freight rates remains comparatively steady over a period of time
* I! G- u# N$ }3 b; l& ]/ |  C. fixed costs do not include fuel of cost
+ t0 e6 r9 `% M* g  a7 Y% j/ u  D. ocean freight rates may be broadly divided into container rates and liner freight rates

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