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[货代试题] 2012年国际货代考试(货代英语)复习题及答案6

发表于 2012-3-17 14:18:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
: v6 v( |9 d. J2 L  1. A negotiable bill of lading can be transferred by _____. (C)
& O1 a9 |3 ~" [0 u7 a+ e  A. negotiation B. amendment C. endorsement D. selling
- }( Q1 [5 ~: C8 u# M  2. When the sales contract stipulates “transshipment prohibited”, the carrier should issue a____. (A)6 m" W3 Z/ y6 @8 l) v; n8 ^
  A. direct B/L B. through B/L C. straight B/L D. transshipment B/L9 [+ D2 J$ ^$ M7 y+ V$ f
  3. It is important that the bill of lading is available at port of____ before the goods arrive or at the same time. (D)9 _' f7 a/ a; h
  A. shipment B. departure C. loading D. destination3 h' T' y: S- t
  4. Marine bill of lading are used primarily in_____. (B)
: e8 L" u, l- H3 s# g  d  A. carriage of goods by air B. carriage of goods by sea C. road transport D. railway transportation- [4 T4 D4 [2 {+ T" h. q2 r
  5. When____ being submitted to the carrier at port of destination, the goods can be exchanged for. (B)
: O, I5 l- c. U, m% |1 a  A. all of the original Bs/L B. one of the original Bs/L C. all of the copy Bs/L D. one of the copy Bs/L
3 ^* q8 C# A! j% k' s  6. Which of the following Bs/L bear an indication about apparent order and condition of the goods received_____? (C). h2 d7 t9 x- T0 g7 r
  A. shipped B/L B. claused B/L C. clean B/L D. foul B/L' J) j8 c; k+ X& `
  7. _____ cover shipment from or to ports involving transport by two or more shipping or Railways Company. (B)
7 p- y9 |1 R3 \3 t  A. shipped Bs/L B. through Bs/L C. straight Bs/L D. direct Bs/L

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