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[考试辅导] 2012年在职硕士申请学位英语作文范文四

发表于 2012-7-3 12:10:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
同等学力申硕外语是必不可少的,其中英语写作又是非常重要的,平常需要加强训练的,多掌握一些句型结构,多记忆一些经典句型,这样在真正的考试过程中才能得心应手,游刃有余,给阅卷老师留一个好的印象,多得一些印象分数,下面由启文在职研究生招生信息网编辑来为大家整理汇总2012年在职硕士考试英语作文范文:7 H2 c9 R" l. _3 t8 _, S
第四篇. {+ X% I! B$ s: P
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: School or Major. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline below:2 T# q  @& K. \
1.选择报考的学校时,有人先考虑大学的名气,有人先考虑专业是否热门。# \$ @" R7 ^1 z2 S# H
2.如果两者不能兼顾,你先考虑哪个?为什么?. P: O& ~; T* K5 r
School or Major
0 j! x' _" @4 |6 YRecent years have witnessed a steady increase in the popularity of such majors as international finance, finance and accountancy, international trade and business administration. In the meantime, whether to choose good university or a good major has provoked a debate. It is true that graduates from prestigious universities are popular in talent markets, so, many students would spare no efforts to be enrolled in good universities. To them, entering a good university means standing on the threshold of a promising career after graduation. But, a good university can give you confidence as well as much competitive pressure and even the best university has unpopular majors, thus in today´s job-hunting society, graduates from these majors could encounter much difficulty in finding a job, let alone a good one, which means they are out of job immediately after graduation.
( I4 E/ B/ ^1 w/ UHow about a good major? Maybe you are studying in a common university, but your major is of great competition, then do you still need to worry about your future? A good major can ensure your future success based on your industry and mastery of your major. If your major is exclusive to only several universities, you surely will become a scarce talent. Do not always pursue a good university; choosing a good major suitable to you is wiser.6 ^0 I9 P& |' u7 p' W4 C
相关阅读:( P3 k0 |) v, D0 y$ k
在职研究生英语高分作文必背句型汇总(完整版)6 D  n( R: p. P9 V

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