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[考试辅导] 2011年GCT考试英语词汇复习指导(五)(1)

发表于 2012-7-12 13:04:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  词汇自测练习 5. (20个)  1. A device 1. 设备,仪器,装置! l; n* m0 t* I* Q
   The television receiver is an electronic device.
& w0 [7 d' A3 g3 r  电视接收器是一种电子装置。: T2 P% z9 h4 C6 J; p8 |
  2. 手段;谋略;诡计
2 S- E4 i' ~2 I7 M2 n/ T) a   She got the information by some device.
+ l' i' `7 _( C5 @! ?; I* S  她运用某种手段获取了情报+ O' N8 M) s: j' k" O  h2 @
  instrument 1. 仪器;器具,器械
6 T$ |! S5 d& h; |% Z   The dentist picked up several instruments.8 `7 X0 v6 u5 ^9 y, z  x; w$ u$ E
5 u" a, B5 ]* p5 {8 u4 F8 @  2. 乐器
# _$ \9 S6 ~: f2 i6 d  3. 手段,工具;促成某事的东西4 ?4 q, z3 X/ \+ {, j
   Language is an instrument for communication.  `+ j! u- C9 C, l+ v% ]) \( \
  语言是交际的手段。- O6 b6 J4 U$ K- z+ r2 ^! t
  2. B defect 缺点,缺陷,不足之处[C]9 g1 P  L: R; f- H7 f
   Indecision is his chief defect.7 m. B( `/ N- z, ^& t9 ~/ z0 A
  优柔寡断是他的主要缺点4 ?$ |( A0 `6 g
  defeat 1. 战胜,击败
# ?3 H4 o+ w+ Z: [8 d0 d   The French defeated the English troops.' H  B8 ?. Q$ \* ]1 ]' u8 }6 V( R
  法国人打败了英国军队。/ Z: Q/ u2 H9 O% K& X7 {
  2. 使失败,挫败
# h" m9 }7 X0 h. e# _   Our hopes were defeated.- T" V2 f8 A) V4 I. `7 I
  我们的希望落空了。9 P* v4 p! ]3 l1 v
  3. C unconscious 1. 不省人事的,失去知觉的
; _& p% ?' Q3 b1 D2 D. c, t; [- F   He injured his head and was unconscious for one hour." Q6 }& C( V1 Z: ^
- m! `3 u/ a& v  |+ Q( @  2. 不知道的,未发觉的(of)
7 A7 P' B4 [# W. l+ O/ L0 L; }  L   They were so quiet that he was completely unconscious of their presence.
# X; o& g. A: d8 d0 h. L6 w1 G- f  他们非常安静,他完全不知道他们在场。
2 z' x, w0 z( T$ l- D) [4 u  unaware 不知道的;未察觉到的 (of) [that]2 m) P9 T+ t; Z9 x3 Z, [
   She was unaware that you were coming.8 f! y' `3 P+ R$ g
  她不知道你要来。; u; ^! s1 Y# n& J  u5 ]+ ~
9 F5 ?5 z4 a( t+ [2 R* u, C   He was unaware of the danger.
. Q# {# L( x2 I- @- l9 F/ g! z  他没有意识到有危险。+ B  G- n. _- \+ a6 ~: I; t
  4. D literary 1. 文学的,文艺的. x, ^  I; L! W- v$ \
   It is the only literary magazine in the area.
5 A" s' j; L2 g" h4 ~  B  它是该地区的唯一的一本文学杂志。
  p- {# A5 ^$ t2 F) v  2. 精通文学的,从事著述的/ B) y' q: ^: d; _: J2 [& p; z) {" _0 y
   Our professor is a literary authority.2 A4 Y! f* \: ^" o
# K0 e" _' f/ r+ Q3 S% h6 {: [  3. 文言的" g, `9 X  H; s3 A& d6 e9 h5 A" M. w
   You'd better avoid such literary words in ordinary conversation." D6 T& ~+ d) }" [9 O- f, R+ i. f& A4 h
* g7 }" u9 u3 L: Q* }  literal 1. 照字面的;原义的% k- p  y0 H1 F
   What is the literal meaning of the word?
. L/ d& Q* {0 `" v* k' t  这个字的原义是什么?- f( M8 u, M$ L3 [3 g
  2. 如实的,不夸张的5 n$ d" v5 v+ y
  3. 逐字的
$ z, V+ c6 Y/ j3 S' N   This is a literal translation from French.2 T" ?2 H* |0 \8 k' P1 F3 ~
  这是从法文直译过来的。; k) g$ m  }/ \9 ?0 j8 }5 I: z" K
  literature 1. 文学;文学作品[U][C]. B# d2 d1 M5 O- Y2 ~3 ]1 R
   He majors in Russian literature.
+ w$ l- j& m  ~8 W3 P5 B  他主修俄罗斯文学。
5 l' Y9 e7 r3 {  A$ R# `' `  2. 文献,图书资料[U][C]' `6 f: T  p4 x8 n2 a0 V. `4 r2 o
   She went through the literature on the subject.
6 u4 U5 n( C( j. ?. l4 c  她查阅有关此一问题的资料。* K$ T6 G* H6 j9 j
  literally 1. 逐字地,照字面地;正确地; s7 A- \) k  ~  {  W% b# g
   translate a passage literally, e+ x% B- }& C* q  @: b2 J1 G& I
  逐字直译一段文章: d4 W7 }" U" t. ]% ]/ g
  2. 实在地,不加夸张地
: [* }! s1 B' r" X8 F; F  C   The city was literally destroyed.+ m5 H' h. V0 t5 h4 A  S" q
  那个城市真的被毁灭了7 g: c: H! j9 m; G$ ?: q3 K
  5. B conform 遵照,遵守;适应( to/ with)
6 v8 j- f* V$ ?5 a  }   If you don't conform to the traffic laws, you might get hurt.: W: h& o+ h( q& a" j4 C3 v
  如果不遵守交通法规,则可能受伤。) X4 ]2 Q, C, X( x# C3 x7 @
   Most people willingly conform to the customs of society./ J  f  `% X0 ]: J8 i& N
  大多数人都愿意遵守社会习俗。3 n; d1 M' x: u6 J
  deform 1. 使成畸形
  b) L, S/ I) z( }) i   Her face was deformed by anger.9 e) p* @% \4 j9 N9 p
+ e0 `2 p9 I* J. n$ W4 P% b  3
6 w5 ~7 t! j, a+ M0 n  2. 使变形
2 ^- t! H$ F1 t- M# T   Heat deforms plastics.2 k: G, F% @; H3 c$ X6 B, E
) {( Y0 @9 C9 I  6. C appreciate 1. 欣赏,赏识
9 ^2 T7 E+ c( b6 I: x; L   Her talent for music was not appreciated.8 B# ^2 H( O% Q# [( G
/ L3 O+ z1 M- Y+ |+ {6 A  2. 感谢,感激) d- B' {* j; a2 g1 V" k
   They deeply appreciated his kindness.% g7 {  ^. c  z6 u- w  x" U
  他们对他的好意深表感谢。' F2 t8 u5 O/ E% |
  3. 体会,领会,察知(that)
2 M. e( q" @$ E   I am afraid you have not appreciated the urgency of the matter.
  u9 p, h1 |0 t0 O& Q1 T  恐怕你还没有意识到这件事的紧迫性。# q' G( k5 ~$ q7 m6 D$ |- r
  4. (土地、货币等)增值(in)$ I$ `/ T& S5 ]7 G
   Land will continue to appreciate.( J! h& V4 r0 ^8 u; c
, b3 n7 d7 |4 F9 W  anticipate 1. 预期,期望;预料[v-ing] [that] [wh-]0 M, m8 P, O" S
   It is impossible to anticipate when it will happen.
4 m+ T; O2 K& ~! M; N  不可能预料这事何时发生。
2 H# W: a) T5 w  The first question is one which Jason has anticipated.& N- g) x9 _; s0 I, `
  第一个问题是杰森料到的。# E# R) e' b6 E* K1 T
  2. 预先考虑到;预先做(或准备)[+wh-][+that]
8 B1 c% N: ^# U" d* j+ f. A1 z) h   My wife anticipates all my needs each time I come back from a business trip.4 _" {+ f% i! B9 C. J4 Z3 w1 J+ c
2 m1 \5 o: P& f0 {  7. A calculate 1. 计算 (that) [wh-]
% j+ b0 Z7 m4 x% S7 z   He calculated the costs very carefully.
+ C1 r6 f( f+ F5 ]% O9 @6 c1 o  他仔细计算开支。
: y/ y5 j4 M# o% y6 H) t& _8 {, E, p  2. 计划,打算;使适合(某种目的) [to-v]8 C8 M3 I9 Z" o  U+ t- G
   His remark was calculated to hurt her.5 S& n! l; T9 v1 z6 n+ B

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