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[考试辅导] 2011年GCT考试英语词汇复习指导(五)(3)

发表于 2012-7-12 13:04:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  2. 细微的差别[C][(+of)]   It is difficult to convey delicate shades of meaning in a translation.
$ q. j5 Y9 S! h! C! H  在译文中传达意义上细微的差别是很不容易的。: s+ v3 O  M; h/ W; H
  3. 少量,少许[S]7 L7 `' p9 m7 F5 K) g% P& G/ B& R; u
   She looked a shade disappointed./ s, w; m& y$ {8 s7 j
4 d! [2 P) v" e  shadow 1. 荫;阴暗处[U]" G2 |: x" D& e7 Y* @/ l4 M
   Sometimes she sits alone in the shadow.. P! w1 Z; P6 t; L* X8 k! K4 ]
/ q. |; Q, `3 Y+ w5 i1 M  2. 影子[C]
$ V/ u! }7 E0 n# }) U5 ]   Lunar eclipse occurs when the earth's shadow falls on the moon.
8 U. H& v3 w8 ^0 V' n% h  地球的影子落在月球上时,就发生月蚀。0 H0 \; E3 U* D5 k3 J
  3. (用于否定句或疑问句)微量,少许 [(+of)]- U& l' Q( X  ]6 F' @+ R8 u  q
   There is not a shadow of doubt that the boy broke the window.) H6 i: e% t- _$ E
  毫无疑问窗子是那个男孩打破的。4 z: Z3 r8 G7 S4 D
  16. A prior + to 1. 在前;居先[(+to)]- a" g7 A/ T  f3 _+ k9 J" C
   It happened prior to her departure.
! B" @  |. a/ x- s) Y  7
2 ^: t4 d- c! E  这事在她走前发生的。# C% ^4 H! J/ o% E* P. r/ T  G
  2. 在先的,在前的;居先的
8 r" W+ n0 ^$ K) n, E. r/ ~7 f5 a   No prior knowledge should be required.
* _3 P1 M# z8 F$ m8 s; I  不需要预先学得什么知识。8 t, H) n' L; j0 E& }$ x! ^
  3. 优先的,更重要的+ c: I4 Q* \. ~! P$ ~0 m- u
   He feels a prior obligation to his job as a journalist.
$ p; D- h: e! N+ e" ~  他觉得要优先为他的新闻记者的工作尽职。8 E. Y8 U4 e" M2 l3 \
  17. D current 1. 现时的,当前的;现行的
, h* K' K* |# I" S( {  b   Our current methods of production are too expensive.- f: a8 D  L' x2 R& h; o
% W! h6 c; m7 i# I4 s6 p5 u. K  2. 通用的,流行的9 e7 g: }3 U2 {( p! b# l  `
   This note is no longer current.
- w4 k/ s. V& k, {' `% F; U9 D  这种纸币已不流通。- T3 U8 |1 t/ Z8 R- g
   This view was current in the country.
# R& j* R$ }9 b  V  当时这种看法在这个国家很流行。# s, ]" @0 T$ N4 `8 `2 E
  4. 趋势,倾向,潮流[C]
. Y$ Q0 p* r& S   The military government failed to control the current of public opinion.( V1 B/ k8 l0 a' C* Z$ m4 ~$ s+ t8 Q
! x8 v* h* K% i! Z0 H, c( ~  conductor 1. 领导者;管理人;向导
0 g2 p" r- o& A( o/ u0 W* u   the conductor of an expedition
1 E5 i( C0 a% W' h7 ~6 V  远征队队长
5 C/ `4 s/ y2 M% X2 W' O* @  2. (合唱团、乐队等的)指挥
# b% ]- m* M( d) B5 Y  3. (电车、巴士的)售票员;【美】(火车的)列车员& x6 j: k- R6 W
  18. B exclusive 1. 排外的;除外的;全部的;唯一的
  W! [: o8 O+ {0 P; S/ {! T   The hotel charges $20 a day, exclusive of meals.
% O2 B' ?; n# N  饭店每天收费二十元,不包括用餐。" |( A# M- ]) s! I2 z
   This is an exclusive white residential area.
- o! H' p0 q  k, Z# B" C9 i7 y  p  这是一个纯粹的白人居住区。7 I. _7 c% n8 A; l
  2. 独有的,独占的,专用的[B]
2 ~. G8 m8 y+ U0 U0 |7 l; j   This bathroom is for the President's exclusive use.7 \  C9 l, N/ H: N
  这间洗澡间是总统专用的7 k2 M$ ]$ S9 d& B
  virtual 1. 事实上的,实际上的,实质上的
( {5 M9 \1 Z$ y2 u8 T/ L# o" A. m& R   He is in a state of virtual slavery.1 a$ @4 g+ p" A# {5 D; R
8 ]9 c% |2 i7 k  2. 【电脑】虚拟的8 `+ X2 @3 L, G! Y) t
  flexible 1. 可弯曲的,易弯曲的;柔韧的;有弹性的; V# {+ G- d  ?6 _0 S
   A piece of rubber hose is flexible.
( i9 v0 |" u7 O- n0 a  橡皮管可以弯曲。
- f; X; {* d. ~& K- [$ F* A  2. 灵活的;易适应的
' {/ O% m- J3 f" G! V   We need a foreign policy that is more flexible.
* V+ t& D4 k. q! X  8
% n8 l7 y+ _  x0 V5 d  我们需要更有弹性的外交政策。
3 T8 `. S2 ]. c) b& [; M  19. C phase 1. 阶段,时期[(+in/of)]6 b% V* ^/ s: w& R6 c
   Luckily her disease was discovered in an early phase.0 G1 k. k" s' S% W
  幸运的是,她的病在早期就被发现了。9 A3 m4 Q2 B$ F9 R% h& `
  2. 面,方面[(+of)]
! `1 r" }3 m$ W7 Z$ Q+ Y   They looked into the various phases of the problem.2 `) i0 i( e% g8 Y
  他们研究了问题的各个方面。' k8 o3 N$ }3 }6 u+ r
  procession 1. 一(长)列,一(长)排[C][(+of)]& U& P' ]! y. i( @3 ~* \  u
   Ideas passed in quick procession through her mind.# x) o* [2 Z8 F1 z1 d
  她脑海里闪过一连串的念头。# U/ A* u2 B% X7 a% ?, R% e
  2. (人或车辆等的)行列,队伍[C]
( a0 w/ s6 p/ R) i/ B1 S+ ]   Thousands of workers joined the funeral procession.3 t& K. |. ?+ l4 z. _
  数千名工人加入了送葬行列。9 |/ E6 Q* U& {/ ~5 P7 ]% f
  20. A fade 1. 凋谢,枯萎3 d* p8 ]0 E9 \( e
   The flowers faded for want of water.. d4 y1 o! ]; U. F5 L
# W' i2 N( q7 p2 t  2. (颜色)褪去! u/ V- T8 [2 ?: y
   The color fades when exposed to light.% o6 G7 D$ \; V# b6 p
8 g# q7 T- m* m% F# X  3. (声音等)变微弱;(光等)变暗淡;逐渐消失[(+away)]' a! I) ~% h  k- \( v2 C
   The sound of the footsteps faded away.1 M5 f; C9 P. ^8 O
' d! p2 `+ ^  K" `4 u* R% l; M  faint 1. 头晕的,行将昏厥的 [(+for/from/with)]
! S  j$ ?6 S$ v; {3 j1 n  2. 微弱的,暗淡的,模糊的2 I% S. P& o; {2 S7 D( M" x) L
   Her breathing became faint.) ]- w/ q# ^& R) I
  她的呼吸变得很弱。3 q" b& G# [7 E) z, n3 q5 J
   A faint blush came into her cheek.
1 N  m9 e3 K+ M  她的脸上出现了淡淡的红晕。: }9 \1 c+ i8 E7 z2 F3 e
  3. 虚弱的,衰弱的7 b: Q5 z/ J1 D. G4 ^
  4. (希望等)微小的
7 z0 `4 K# [& C/ c. C   I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about.# y6 v6 |/ Z2 H+ C0 S5 g

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