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[考试辅导] 2012年GCT考试英语词汇复习指导(三)(2)

发表于 2012-7-12 13:04:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  2. 坚持下去   Try to hang on.
3 h! X3 @7 U, s  c' c; u  要设法坚持下去。
" {7 ?8 h3 X$ }  o" V1 ^- Z  3. (打电话时)不挂断4 W  E8 J$ k% s# e! K
   The line is busy, would you like to hang on?8 }- _" Z6 @5 j$ ^1 D+ u5 }
3 Z* [5 A) s! \, O) x$ Y! L. H" y  pant 1. 气喘,气促
( z* L+ {5 c( T+ E! V; Y   Before he reached the top, he was already sweating and panting.
3 B1 T; o. i( K% z7 _2 [8 }# y  他还没有爬到山顶就已经浑身出汗,气喘吁吁了。
7 q0 F( }- S! y; A) d  2. 渴望(for/after)" g& h7 o# u) a9 N/ j! q6 _
   Can't you see she is panting for a part in the new play?
( c+ x9 q0 p# d; a1 E1 S6 S  你难道看不出她渴望在新戏中扮演一个角色吗?
* B9 \* ?; ^$ s  9. A inherit 1. 继承(传统、遗产等)8 a1 e) G& z0 n1 P0 G, A
   He inherited his father's farm.
- R5 h( j2 C2 e/ m1 t" U' g+ F/ T  他继承了父亲的农场。
! _4 `/ y9 L7 p" N7 @; t3 p% u  2. 经遗传而获得(性格、特征等)  q: f- b& R' \
   Jane inherited her mother's big eyes.
$ f7 \& o7 P' }8 _  简遗传了她妈妈的大眼睛。
1 ~/ Z- e  O2 `% k* T  host 作...主人(或东道主),主办,主持) V2 j6 X3 z, ?* {- \
   It remains unknown which country will host the international tennis+ r- |4 ~& O8 F5 b& R( X; O' q
$ B: Q: h% V0 y- e& B8 r  tournament.
# d- ]$ Z. f% z3 v# U9 o2 j& e* o  现在仍不知道哪个国家主办国际网球锦标赛。
. R  z2 x; _) o4 F0 [  o% k8 P  10. A replace 1. 把...放回(原处)
1 A" Q/ c& n; q3 k   She replaced the receiver.
5 x  a5 x/ L" Y5 O  她将听筒放了回去。
# u: z6 }& m6 [+ g- B" L  2. 取代;以...代替 (with / by)2 [0 p& J1 R9 g; d& O
   The brakes have to be replaced.
& ]; i7 e' b; m: r% t6 ?1 c  刹车需要更换。; N/ t- w8 @6 r9 _! e- x9 E
  paste 用浆糊粘贴 (up/down)
$ E* t' o, U4 u   Posters were pasted up on the bulletin board.3 F' J3 l  @  _8 N- u
  布告栏上贴了一些海报。" ^: y8 h" l) \2 R+ ~
  11. D be confront with (勇敢地面对;正视) + dificulty/ trouble/ problems/ danger
* ~# `4 N/ E, e8 h0 l& O/ d  12. C attend 1. 出席,参加% Q* b, x1 l" c& {% l
   He did not attend the meeting yesterday.
5 u, C  l7 \. u; f4 X4 Q  昨天他没有参加会议。! P1 [) P% [6 V2 I8 x
  2. 上(大学等),前往* E* r! P2 A; \) l
   The school was attended almost entirely by local children.7 J) S- U& o9 O3 o) A& d  p! V
+ p1 O7 v: N+ o- ^+ ]  decline 1. 下降,下跌;减少;衰退,衰落
+ ~1 t& |' B9 |   As one grows older one's memory declines.: k; E/ b& I6 b5 M5 W6 g* F
  人的记忆力随着年龄增长而衰退。) c1 W( z  c; W/ Q' U0 d1 i8 `
  2. 婉拒;谢绝[to-v]
; b! z+ J2 A5 e, N9 u+ l   She declined their invitation.
. c# {0 @) T& x' `  她婉拒了他们的邀请。' f- A1 L/ d, U( b) Z
  13. D excessive 过度的;过分的;极度的, `8 b; H9 v8 K. T
   The food was bad and the bill was excessive.2 [5 y9 N  [% r( k
+ J! i/ e$ J5 C. t* u' n   She takes an excessive interest in clothes.  H$ T0 ]) V3 X. D9 d/ u
: V2 `7 r- z* S  mysterious 神秘的;不可思议的% B& w( c! `" L  d& L9 @
   the mysterious universe
: W( r& U9 x( ~) Z  奥秘的宇宙
; s0 X( W7 X1 B: j  5
  [4 R" t* ^) J4 w- D   A mysterious light came from the deserted house.
7 ^; ]2 ^8 p% i1 e  废弃的房屋里亮起了神秘的灯光。
4 V  @; A% \' c& ]7 g7 K) o  14. A contempt 轻视,蔑视(for)
- p4 X( c! v3 R7 p& A( \$ C  [8 u   I feel nothing but contempt for cheating.0 B3 n8 a6 D. ?& F* L. N
  我对作弊十分蔑视6 Q$ r; [! s" t: P; }) m0 \
  motivation 激励
: a: F/ L0 }6 y- B3 {3 ~$ m$ E4 e  15. D entertain 1. 使欢乐,使娱乐. U& m* R/ Z1 O. K+ @9 {
   We were all entertained by his humorous stories.
( A9 [; S6 ?& j, W' R6 H  x8 i  他的幽默故事使我们大家都很开心。
  H" k- N9 {0 @9 n4 N" v  2. 招待,款待 (with/ at/ to)
2 D" {5 A% D: Y4 G   They often entertained their friends at weekends.# ]: r% O) m  ?( n
  他们常在周末招待朋友。% U) \7 k1 i8 ?
  refresh 1. 使清新,使清凉
! e/ q0 k) C/ s% r# u/ \% Q3 T- v   This glass of iced tea will refresh you.
2 d6 }6 Y2 I9 K/ B  喝下这杯冰茶你会感到清凉。
" d# U+ p$ x: j9 ]  2. 消除...疲劳,使重新提起精神
! B( P$ {  _; t) p1 s   The cool water refreshed him after his long sleep.
$ T, }6 F; o" {8 [  久睡之后,凉水使他又清醒起来。) I# M: X* s  D+ R
  reassure 使放心,使消除疑虑; 向...再保证 (of/about)9 @: J2 p, X( Q2 t( z2 l
   The coach's confidence reassured the whole team.$ f3 c# E$ i, S! M& O
  教练的信念使全体队员又有了信心。! w( E: g/ c& L
  16. A infect 1. 【医】传染;侵染;感染/ F! C9 p. A7 O5 g$ ]
   The flu virus infected almost the entire class.
9 t* [$ s  w/ x; b+ z: T" g  全班几乎人人都染上了流行性感冒病毒。& ^; k2 \5 t$ K. M, p
  2. 使受影响;感染. P/ K1 z$ z( ^2 q3 \1 Q
   The captain's courage infected his men.

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