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[考试辅导] 2012年GCT考试英语词汇复习指导(一)

发表于 2012-7-12 13:04:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  词汇自测练习 1. (20个)  1. C worthy successors 优秀的接班人6 H* }- y; T( X% A1 W; M; F
  2. A turn the volumn down 把音量关小: _1 I$ b7 T* ^
  3. B undertake the project承担(接受)+ 项目(工程)
8 f" v1 E! ]0 N9 C0 ^4 N% ~  h$ U  undergo 1. 经历;经受;忍受( S7 Z( U* b5 v/ S; j
   You may have to undergo disappointment and failure before experiencing
1 ~( f% M4 o, T' \8 k  success.
5 E# d3 _  e2 A% c/ W4 ?  你在尝到成功的滋味之前,也许得忍受失望与失败。
& z7 w$ h% a* g6 b  2. 接受(治疗,检查等)4 S( v, I; M! E. C( }( n& Q4 Q
   All the freshmen will undergo a medical examination.1 J/ a6 s' W* ~9 T# S
  ~, i" C/ \2 U% a( u  understate 1. 不充分地陈述,保守地说 2. 少说,少报; f, [  h) @- N5 {) p# d
  understate a fact 不充分地反映事实
8 p% q1 Y! \0 o' F  understate one’s age少报年龄
1 T6 [; a+ D8 G8 e8 i  understate one’s production figures to avoid tax 为逃税而少报生产数字
: G; G. D1 ^+ s  @2 Z% y. w6 v  4. D tuition 学费 fare (海陆空的)交通费 bill (水, 电, 煤气等) 费
5 Q1 a; ^0 C* q/ Z$ h+ v4 y  5. B a thrift person
  U' w2 F. c, F$ Z2 ?+ t  thrift节俭俭,节约[U]% y3 T$ {1 u" ?" N2 \- U: b6 F, N3 H
   She learned from her father the virtues of hard work and thrift.
9 ]# u) N( g; a  她从她父亲身上学到苦干和节俭的美德。
3 q* _9 h) l, A9 r9 A# K  6. B therapy 非药物疗法 remedy 药物疗法
3 R' O: A  J3 E# v0 h+ t  7. A suppress the truth  q! T8 j) Y: }! D
  suppress 1.镇压,平定;压制;
4 m2 T0 T' y  E6 Q6 v* ^' o   The revolt was suppressed in a couple of days.
+ {# o+ G3 a! m+ J# J) X  叛乱在几天之内就被镇压下去了。7 t# j  R7 I# o
  2. 隐瞒2 i2 D5 L: O& D  J3 |7 {
   The government suppressed the truth.! o% V$ ]! b3 d8 k
; K5 y: X* ?- m% p( t, t; j, a  2
# ]) v' V! o8 y- ?+ B3 V# V- P" |  manipulate 1. (熟练地)操作,运用
1 N0 ]8 m' f. l1 \5 d& s, i2 ^  M   Do you know how to manipulate a computer?) h* M: n: X3 U) l  W, U- z+ s
  你会使用电脑吗?3 R% _* p* P" @6 i
  2. 巧妙地处理;(用权势等)操纵
* J1 }8 I7 F7 l& C/ i   A clever politician knows how to manipulate his supporters., s  k" w0 X2 m  c* U7 p# ?4 u
  机敏的政客懂得如何操纵自己的支持者。1 u$ R6 J3 G; Z/ }
  3. 窜改(帐目等),对...做手脚
3 \8 Q; d: I: L, R   He was arrested for trying to manipulate the company's financial records.
- P0 _0 X0 s' E1 c  他因企图窜改公司财务记录而被逮捕。& n2 H0 e6 e+ t; f9 x. B" G
  8. A summit meeting 峰会
2 I( S3 C" E. U3 t; i8 X+ u  summon 1. 召唤;传唤;请求;要求
5 w8 Z* f- w0 J* e9 h   He was summoned to appear in court as a witness.
9 L5 o5 ^9 N3 c4 R! K) T: K8 d- R) ?  他被传唤出庭作证。; C5 Y+ j0 ]7 k6 D* X) ?6 E4 g
   He came downstairs and summoned her to his study.& K  m, W9 C* y* x! q& z
  他下楼将她叫到书房去。% s; `* j) d+ \
  2. 召集& M1 Z7 m/ O! A  l! `
   They had to summon a second conference and change the previous
' B- m, H$ J! |* ~, k3 A  decision.. H& {. o: M1 ?- ?4 p* p
! H6 a. j: H, X: D" m& g0 x  3. 使出,唤起,鼓起(勇气),振作(精神) (up)
1 R' x0 }6 E9 V! D1 U- o' w   He summoned up his courage and proposed to her.
! N" g( G' T7 ~7 @  他鼓起勇气向她求婚。
  ^$ u8 g, s/ R, e0 Y2 M. K  9. C a subjective sensation 主观的感觉
6 ]/ k" F- g9 f- i6 m* F0 t- t  subjunctive mood【语】虚拟的语气
2 b6 c9 D# s* a* g  10. D be at stake 在危急关头
6 E# A# p' i1 R! V9 Z   The life of the patient is at stake., o( C, }# J' D% v; J
  病人的生命在危急中。' P/ e2 e) L. v7 u
  搭配: at a loss in danger under threat

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