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[考试辅导] 2011年GCT考试英语词汇复习指导(二)

发表于 2012-7-12 13:04:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  词汇自测练习 2. (20个)  1. D cheat 1. 欺骗;骗取取,诈取 (of/out of)# t9 |$ s  S% i8 y
   They cheated the old woman of her house and money.: b9 p7 [, T* @5 A1 n3 U* i
  他们骗取了老妇人的房屋和钱财。3 }( d6 B: W2 Q2 z! ^% ]+ K- ^) D
  2. 哄骗 (into)" l9 P% [5 e$ X& p* F( f$ }. K! ^
   The salesman cheated me into buying a fake.
/ t4 X; @6 U7 X$ x# Z* S0 y  那个推销员骗我买了假货。
' c# ]/ v+ A  x* e7 i  supplement 1. 增补补,补充 (to)
8 n0 r2 h1 Y/ k- j   The money they get from fruit-picking is often a supplement to incomes earned in the
1 t# d' M# @, A, Y  _# Y5 g3 j6 ?3 o7 E  town./ [4 F  ?5 _$ Q% p9 _& M
! p3 k$ u4 i5 `' z  2. (书籍的)补遗;附录;(报刊等的)增刊,副刊[(+to)]
6 |( w7 x; K2 w* z1 R   The story first appeared in the Times Literary Supplement.
  d  D$ ^6 Y! u  这个短篇小说第一次是发表在《泰晤士报文学副刊》上的。5 y5 L& ~8 z! y( I' x' m
  2. C open/ closing ceremony 1. 仪式式,典礼[C]3 |& P( I3 i: F& t3 G5 z
   The wedding ceremony was held on April fifteenth.
2 o8 c  R5 ]( I  婚礼在四月十五日举行。/ X2 g/ g) G7 w0 Z- R
  2. 虚礼,客套[U]
0 M  Q6 G3 [, g   There need be no ceremony between us.
. u2 Q5 W9 q. ?  我们之间不必客套。
$ N* q- A# ~, D0 s$ Z% z6 J  suspicion 1. 怀疑疑,疑心心,猜疑[U][C] (that)' P; q4 H4 z3 C3 a; _! t- b
   I had a strong suspicion that Tom had seen me coming.; ?5 E% B: s0 X4 j5 Q
# A. _+ S( f2 p$ ], n  2. 嫌疑[U]# Y+ n) L# C: P" N/ G2 f6 `* C
   She's been arrested on suspicion of spying.
% a3 x3 i8 F7 q& ^( f  她因涉嫌间谍活动而被捕。3 k9 V$ `, E# T/ X) {
  3. 一点儿[S][(+of)]1 q7 y5 e8 R( \1 N0 u/ J; p# ]
   There was a suspicion of danger.
3 d  @6 F) U2 l; u  有一点危险。
( Q8 y# _. l; ?6 z, d9 h  3. B circulate 1. 循环环,环行
8 F+ N4 F4 c8 H9 u( u8 ^6 Z   Blood circulates in the body.
+ p; {. q  l% f. p4 ^# t  血液在体内循环。
- R3 @  x0 A9 J% s  2
) i6 O1 d. ^" N, H   Blood circulation( N+ p: E9 R* L' Q  p
  2. 传播,流传;传阅
- p* r5 b2 J$ S. ]8 z   Rumour circulates rapidly.
" ]) \8 a) ~- |! r  谣言传得很快。& k2 i+ F+ B$ U: U, b' f
  3. 流通;发行
  ^- c7 o* M7 A4 D3 J% M  v, u   In times of prosperity money circulates quickly.
+ }7 q" z6 E) t, a" O  在商业繁荣时期,钱流通得快。$ `# R# O4 b4 V$ D
  4. (宴会等中)在人群中周旋* i% T2 h4 a9 F6 H
   The host circulated at the party, talking to lots of people.5 S1 ~! x% b& r; o+ S1 U1 e
  主人在聚会上周旋旋,与许多人交谈。9 N) v3 k, H5 R3 v+ d
  tempt 1. 引诱诱,诱惑惑,勾引 (to/into)! S+ r8 m, N2 x  B$ D5 Y
   What tempted Arthur to steal the watch?
# x* d4 M9 w( w: O  是什么诱使亚瑟偷这只表的?
( ~9 U. V5 R) T1 B; r  p  2. 吸引引,打动动;引起 (to/into)) y6 C$ d) o7 m8 }+ W
   The offer of a high salary tempted Tom.1 W$ A* ^- L6 A! Z+ ^: [# F) G
  愿出高薪的提议使汤姆动了心。2 \9 i0 z# c1 w9 y( `
  3. 冒...险,不顾
4 p$ [: }, b. Y- ?5 K. Q   His play sometimes tempted death.) r" c; D) W7 @4 j7 M
9 l* ^7 r% Y6 i/ k: g  4. 使很想要(说或做)7 c$ j( s& E) |
   I feel tempted to agree.; F" Z: ?' Q  T. r
0 z% Y" h9 E+ a% [% m  4. B clarify 1. 澄清;阐明6 C; i; H  }# f+ }( D* j
   He clarified his stand on the issue.
( p0 u) ?9 `3 m* }% c; j3 n  他澄清了他在该问题上的立场。
. [5 J/ o4 c; V   His explanation clarified the mystery.! @; {& X6 f) K" h0 f9 `) X
* R) h  ^" G5 W; ]4 ]" V  2. 净化
. ^0 e4 c% e4 R- x   It requires of us great efforts to clarify sewage in cities.+ [- g( ~, o& K: D" S
  净化城市的污水需要我们很大的努力。0 a( _$ F# y; u9 o
  3. 使清楚,使清醒
$ r/ ~% C0 d9 B3 W( ]8 x   My mind was clarified on this issue.
, h% u  e% \% t% {% J5 Q  对这个问题我的头脑变得清楚了。3 @; D+ B( `0 {" \, _7 j. W
/ g% Q% Z- `. G* T0 ^   A recent survey of public opinion showed that most people were worried about the
% S( d. |& @# Q& g) {7 o! S) \  increasing crimes.) u. o  T( b. h! q' k
  一份最近的民意调查表明,大多数人对不断增长的犯罪率表示忧虑$ z0 @0 `) j, a- m
  30 E; D& o/ J& {0 _7 h0 J
  5. A job opportunities 工作机会
3 I! U2 D. r) R' l  occurrence 1. 发生;出现[U]
$ j% o. l4 @0 J8 v7 `% F   the occurrence of flu 发生流感
. f4 [  E! p) d7 S5 }  s; }  2. 事件;事变[C]/ e9 i: V* \4 H, [4 ?- O
   unusual occurrence. 常见的事情。# |) m( ?2 V. H/ F5 D5 M) c
  6. A collapse 1. 倒塌1 ~, c- ~, H' g6 D4 d1 [' a
   Having been neglected for years, the house collapsed.
' O4 u7 W/ H; }. j4 @( w  这所房子因年久失修而倒塌了。

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