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[考试辅导] 医学考博每日一读:Only one in five eats five a day

发表于 2012-7-20 22:52:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Just one in five Britons eats the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, a poll for World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) suggests.
  h+ u1 d: J8 a6 B2 I% aThe Department of Health first launched its five-a-day campaign in 2003.
0 s4 c. c- d2 P( xBut the WCRF says its survey of more than 2,000 UK adults shows people still find achieving that goal difficult.
1 O7 d' L3 i+ |7 ^9 f) UIt is urging people to eat "just one more portion" for a healthier diet, which would increase cancer protection.% a- U/ j3 U3 \1 Y
The YouGov survey for the WCRF found that, on average, 17% of lower income households (social groups C2, D and E) eat at least five portions per day, compared with 27% for those in higher income groups.
- ^" i2 F1 m% J0 A: sFruit and veg consumption levels were lowest in the north of England, where 18% had five or more portions daily. * S2 w3 ]8 j* [+ V( j, @5 \; n
The highest levels of consumption were reported in the south of England, where 26% said they ate at least five portions. : J) g! Z$ K# J  I: u4 g+ {& z
In London, it was 21%, in Scotland 22% and in Wales 23%.
/ N- S0 i3 M1 F" J: h. sKate Mendoza, head of education for the WCRF, said: "These figures show that many people are still finding it difficult to follow the healthy eating message.
5 @( P6 f# w; l"Getting at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day is the building block of a healthy diet. Not only are fruit and veg a good source of nutrients, they also tend to be low in calories and full of fibre and so help us maintain a healthy weight.1 o; J' s8 n- t3 o8 f8 F" w
"A diet based on plant foods, such as wholegrains and pulses as well as fruit and vegetables, can reduce cancer risk as research shows they protect against a range of cancers. Recent research has confirmed that foods containing fibre reduce the risk of bowel cancer.
/ g: j, |& C. H; b" D"Although people are more aware of the significance of eating five a day than they used to be, it is clear that there are still barriers to incorporating plant foods into our daily diets," she added.' W, C9 s; u  P) k$ ]6 F
The charity is holding an awareness day, "Fruity Friday", on 18 May as part of Cancer Prevention Week.
# [6 q0 V/ P5 ]6 eA Department of Health spokesperson said: "We know we need to do more to encourage people to eat their five a day and help prevent diseases like cancer. , u8 O- ?- D: U+ U4 ]* t) V/ `) ~( W
: p2 s+ _- R/ N9 A6 {' I
"That is why, through our Change4Life campaign, we invested around

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