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[电子商务设计师] 计算机辅助设计概述(中英对照)阅读

发表于 2012-8-2 09:15:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  EXERCISES:7 Y- O, z: S4 k
  1.Multiple choices(according to paragraph).
+ Y) S  O' e$ y5 x  (1)CAD2 ]% N/ s) @& q7 f
  a.Computer-Access Device
5 r7 B4 W1 R1 E' L9 ]$ [+ O/ B  b.Computer-Aided Design, Q4 [3 V  m% [4 ]7 F9 o0 ]
  c.Computer Aided Diagnosis
/ a8 ?) n' i4 g& ^2 v  d.Computer-Aided Detection3 y& z7 h5 |/ d# Y' p7 {7 s
5 ~! T- h2 b' k1 c  a.Central Address Memory
! P5 ^+ P/ e( h( B# F8 k! T  b.Civil Air Management
7 J5 O4 R$ z/ }1 b9 l  c.Computer-Aided Manufacturing
9 {  C/ j9 L9 |: L" T  d.Computer-Aided Mathematical Analysis
1 N. T- o3 |" [4 W1 L  (3)CAE
0 f7 V* a. p; v' [) H: \  a.Computer-Aided Engineering
; _* |) e2 [6 V& A  b.Computer-Aided Education4 r' E/ o+ T- ^% a" z5 Z, e
  c.Canadian Aviation Electronics( D# J# ?' Z) P/ J; K8 M
  d.Carbon Alcohol Extractions, _. C- U+ h- D, `& u$ I
  2.True / False.
/ u* ?& l8 [  n. h- G# O  (1)The manufacturing process starts from the design specifications and ends with shipping of the actual products.
" L4 l2 Y& D$ w+ S  (2)Most of the information generated and handled in the synthesis subprocess is quantitative.3 T# l3 C) U' K# M  ^3 r: G. `5 p
  (3)Once a design has been completed,after optimization or some tradeoff decision,the design evaluation phase begins.
) [5 P! [1 t, t/ q% y4 X  (4)The outcome of process planning is a production plan,a materials order,and machine
' }/ q% R2 M( d; ~" u1 ~  programming.
5 f  O4 ^! o" v7 |& q( L2 \  答案:0 j8 D  Q: T" K
  1.2 b- z/ H6 b- L7 l
( ^9 J+ L+ O7 i6 @  (2)c
$ P% T4 Y0 W- ~4 Z+ K7 ?  (3)a) w* n9 _4 g5 e/ C
# T3 K( T* u5 N7 p7 n; Z7 m3 K  (1)t
, Z: p- A3 K* y1 ~! _  (2)f# K4 ?1 I6 e( c  D9 n& a( u
4 @; V. y& O$ I* T8 U* W9 N5 L  (4)t

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