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[CCNA] 思科认证考试:CCNA考试第七十九题

发表于 2012-8-3 20:28:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.What is the correct order for the OSI model?- Q* a8 H8 ~" ]7 e0 w% K
P=Presentation, S=Session, D=Datalink, Ph=Physical, T=Transport, A= Application,7 h, D: L5 j2 d: P3 z7 ^
9 D4 E1 h; `! dA. P S A PH D N T B. A P S T N D PH
; L1 c5 G$ [, U7 N1 E) b" vC. PH D N T A S P D. P S A T N D PH
& a. T1 a: W. CAnswer B. It is crucial you not only memorize this and know what each layer does.5 V, y% K  n. `! t) l) t0 J4 s! c
2. What is encapsulation?5 H8 H) c; S3 g" ~  v% j
A. Putting the header on an incoming frame9 V3 d+ J& G0 D" T6 P! H' X: F
B. Putting a header on an incoming segment' t& t2 W( G) H
C. Putting a header on an outgoing frame
1 S, ?0 i. q! `/ @: ^: q. aD. Putting a header on an outgoing bit

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-3 20:28:12 | 显示全部楼层


</p>Answer C. This also includes trailers and can be put on segments, packets, and frames.
! {1 W! F  u7 m6 T3. Which layer is most concerned with user applications?0 I  }3 i! `# U4 P: ]
A. Application B. Presentation C. Network D. Physical- x% d* J! i  J' Y8 y/ R1 q
Answer A.# a) ~. `1 j" n7 M* _
4. Which of the following is de-encapsulation?
/ F8 J+ ?) I9 V) J. uA. Stripping the header from a frame& r) `5 ^$ t# u, J3 e. ^8 k
B. Putting a header on a segment
; r; O) j3 @: \% w3 R6 QC. Putting a header on a frame
  t! W9 o  C7 F: {' JD. Stripping a frame from a link
' n/ _+ ?/ s- {. O- ^Answer A. This also includes trailers as in question 2.
% D, a( ^: {7 y. t3 l! G6 A) ^5. What layer converts data into segments?
$ {2 X4 Y9 i! n$ U3 WA. Application B. Presentation C. Transport D. Physical
( \0 q! b6 N1 F2 W, {/ F2 z3 Y8 nAnswer C.( }' I% N+ w0 @$ ~, U2 o# ?% e
6. What layer converts data into Packets?
; i2 w! S( D' A0 ?4 n2 H) L; kA. Network B. Application C. Physical D. Data Link/ W. \. u4 d1 }, Q: ]
Answer A.
7 R: I3 ?$ g$ b; N$ o& I, ?7. What layer converts data into Frames?1 s/ A# `; d, M- H, {% ~
A. Application B. Physical C. Data Link D. Transport, e% y9 X6 S$ F* S$ I
Answer C.
, a, J5 _3 I0 M& j  ]4 D7 c8. What layer converts data into bits?
+ X( o9 J! I; h/ D$ v3 ~& j
' C/ s2 f* ]7 ^# NA. Application B. Session C. Data Link D. Physical
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-3 20:28:13 | 显示全部楼层


</p>Answer D. All of the layers need to convert data into something that they can pass
. D, F# A/ A6 i9 I, z7 y: ~8 tdown to the next level, with the exception of the Application layer which hands/ d: ~9 ?+ d' h- H  l% J
data to the Presentation layer. The Presentation layer encrypts, and compresses/ R+ x; l, A8 p! Z: R. ^
before sending it to the Session layer for it s first conversion.$ Q; ~* g$ Q* P" o+ ~7 C
9. Which layer is most concerned with getting data from the beginning to the final: u: @1 d7 v/ ?9 y% `. ?& H
6 Y: f, A' |1 L& a! l- H8 t- xA. Application B. Presentation C. Session D. Transport4 c" o2 F3 i5 d/ G* k: ]' \  W# l0 o
Answer D. The transport layer is most concerned with reliable transportation from8 a$ A$ O6 [* Z" o/ O  q4 @
one end to the other.9 ~& |0 O% G& H7 ~' G  s
10. Which of the following is not a part of the Session layer?7 N8 e1 }) c' \5 s3 U
A. Establishing a session7 t: b5 E6 Z4 `+ X% c6 g% {  e
B. Ensuring error free segments/ u0 i& E6 ^% G& m" @
C. Ending a session
, W9 F# h' r: i: q7 N- ~) u9 M' DD. Keeping the sender and receiver from sending a message at the same time7 Y1 R0 N7 i+ N* H& _  n* z3 C
Answer B. That is the job of the Transport layer.
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