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[考试试题] 英语专四考试语法与词汇模拟练习题(八)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:54:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. It was not until midnight the camping site.   A. that they reached B. that they did not reach
* G8 D$ ?* s: h9 m7 O% ~3 `  C. did they reach D. did they not reach
5 y; M+ d4 @" z% {- R  2. It is predicated that existing reserves of fossil fuel by 2045./ H9 h: b3 u' D4 l; \
  A. have been run out B. are going to be run out
( \. v: Q# ?' n& G" P  C. will have run out D. have run out) F4 [+ d( G- f
  3. Only by increasing its exports drastically from the present trade imbalance.5 a/ g7 n; \  S: c/ [) W
  A. the country can emerge B. the country might emerge
+ p) Q2 M" g2 {! U# z9 u+ G7 n  C. can the country emerge D. the country might emerged
9 L4 f- I% J/ h& ^* L  4. The more acid you add to the solution, it becomes., ^2 I/ i1 h2 v2 m0 ]$ r
  A. cloudier B. the cloudiest C. more cloudy D. the cloudier
! J) T5 d0 R% R( u! [. k2 K  5. The lecture said “It‘s time you the literature review.”
3 r+ q) p* s$ o$ g  A. began B. should begin C. begin D. are beginning! ?1 ~9 f% l) d9 E' }" \9 d
  6. way you do it, the answer is always the same.
/ |5 h& _3 _" I/ x# L  A. However B. Whichever C. Whoever D. Why ever
; S* g1 e& L' @- q8 f( r+ H. Z  7. producing methane, the process also produces carbon monoxide.9 i5 ?% F2 f; [3 Q9 z" O
  A. Apart B. As well C. Besides D. In addition( H! d, z) I  r& f4 [
  8. Einstein, changed our ways of seeing the universe, did not learn to read until he was ten.$ ]% _) s8 X# c% L4 Z
  A. which theories B. that his theories1 A$ v; m( u/ Q7 ~# [
  C. whose theories D. who theories. ~" {& m7 _- x4 f
  9. It is not so much the language the legal jargons that makes the book difficult to understand.5 q. B8 A1 O( }2 X; ^4 ]
  A. but B. nor C. as D. like
$ i0 ^, i: ^0 `0 J2 [+ q8 R" c  10. The shop has sold many refrigerators of this kind and the rest on sale today.9 l# d4 I1 C/ |0 @' k( B' A  E
  A. is B. has C. have D. are$ E5 d8 j2 U& b" G3 f( O8 M- W
  11.The owner and captain refused to leave ship which was sinking.* p- I- K, h* B. Q0 A
  A. his B. a C. their D. /
( N: Q% |  X) o5 ^0 V  12. The petrol station lies within of Victoria‘s farm.
/ v* C. _7 l1 ^  d7 j" L) r4 W: m3 \  A. fifteen-minute-drive B. fifteen minutes‘ drive& b1 P* T, x% X) |: W3 U
  C. fifteen minute‘s drive D. fifteen minutes drive
% s8 s  h$ ^7 |# ~  g) c  13. Some of his answers were correct, but I don‘t remember .
) K2 x* k, A- C: c. m/ l0 Q  A. what one B. which one C. few D. not3 G5 P& B0 T1 A3 ^
  14. There is man downstairs waiting for you.
  i! T8 s4 P% C1 E6 @  A. any B. some C. few D. not) b6 k/ w* x$ r, k
  15. This CD costs me the one I bought the other day.
2 c3 C; X$ {) c9 d9 q0 v2 c& @  A. as much as three times B. as much money as three times( _2 J1 b+ q& ~+ K- N" n. M+ h
  C. three times as much as D. three times as expensive as! J! _6 {  I# _( [$ s( L

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