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[其他] 英语专业 四级口试考试技巧

发表于 2012-8-14 11:55:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
; D: D9 M& g" u. |$ \5 d  原文的速度也不是很快的,而你也不可能把细节都记下,总会有遗漏,按说是来得及的。但我们考的时候很多同学都没有在规定时间里讲完,因为想着前面不要遗漏,后面就来不及了。好像是踩点得分的,你前面的点都提到,后面漏几个也应该扣不了很多分。   2.我们老师说第一遍不要动笔,第二遍在做笔记,那做笔记的技巧是什么,记哪些关键信息,怎样记得快一些并且记下最有用的情节?. ?2 j. e( i0 S6 W, Z
  记笔记是记时间、地点、人物,数字等细节。可以用缩写、符号、画图一切手段来表示,简单说就是自己看得懂的一套标记。这个练好了以后考专八口语的时候还有用。) }1 g4 v2 K+ P% y/ M) G
0 l# I7 ], B  y% w  趁现在还有时间,多听英语的小故事、小短文,睡前,起床前,努力理解大意,而不是一个个单词去听。记笔记会分心,所以记的笔记要简单,主要是听懂,而不是把词拼写出来。
( P( R3 x. u) r# L, j3 g  4.根据笔记(应该是一些零散的单词吧)如何在复述时组织成故事?4 a1 w9 z) x4 v  b) X: i; U
7 n+ P" y7 M0 t% d) l  5.第二和第三部分个人独白和对话应该注意问题?
& i+ I0 {$ O& _5 ?+ O! V  第二和第三部分尽可能多说吧,不要过多、过长的停顿。第三部分对话还要注意和搭档的配合,就是大家说的时间要差不多,不要一个人说很多,另一个只说一点点。这个可以的话,现在就找好搭档练起来。
/ p& M7 q1 C$ F6 ?6 v1 e  6.其他的一些需要注意的地方?9 V8 z: S6 Q: V7 Q
4 v& j5 @) A) Q0 d7 P  7.一下面一篇文章为例,该记哪些关键词?
* |! q! Z8 Q2 p+ g7 }. C2 u+ Q7 }  In 1908 Lord Northcliffe offered a prize of 1000 pounds to the first man who would fly across the English Channel. Over a year passed before the first attempt was made. On July 19th,1909, in the early morning, Hubert Latham took off from the French coast in his plane the "Antoinette 4". He had travelled only seven miles across the channel when his engine failed and he was fored to land on the sea. The "Antoinette" floated on the water untill Latham was picked up by a ship.
, `0 p- T, L  C- O/ s  k# e! Y$ j  Two days later, Louis Bleriot arrived near Calais with a plane called "No.11". Bleriot had been making planes since 1905 and this was his latest model. A week before, he had completed a successful overland flight during which he covered twenty-six miles. Latham, however, did not give up easily. He, too, arrived near Calais on the same day with a " Antoinette". It looked as if there would be an exciting race across the channel. Both planes were going to take off on July 25th, but Latham failed to get up early enough. After making a short test flight at 4.15 a.m, Bleriot set off half an hour later. His great flight lasted 37 minutes. When he landed near Dover, the first person to greet him was local policeman. Latham made another attempt a week later and got withing half a mile of Dover, but he was unlucky again. His engine failed and he landed on the sea for the second time.9 s/ w: q) y- e9 v3 c6 D
0 C  K5 t, p- y9 f  1908 Lord Northcliffe prize 1000 pounds first  fly En  Channel. # m) }6 L2 ?$ ~# e/ T! Z' F
  a y 4 H5 d0 }+ Y, b+ m2 _' K
  7 19,1909 early morning, Hubert Latham  French coast "Antoinette 4".
; |: s; z/ ^/ B0 o' s  seven miles  engine failed) b1 ]$ L& I; i$ w
  land on sea.( s  y/ C$ N3 P7 A/ D6 P; a
  floated untill a ship.. Q- t, h( Z+ i+ w" m4 i( l9 F
  参考答案) M! R5 T5 k8 Q& O4 ~$ [0 @
  Two days later, Louis Bleriot Calais  "No.11".! u( d- N% Z( t* q
  making planes since 1905 latest model.& X" |7 d' p$ Z# \0 d8 }, m* {
  A week before, successful overland flight  twenty-six miles.
5 X+ n: j5 a7 f  L not give up easily near Calais  same day  " An".  as if exciting race
( {* z3 b0 ~0 c  Both off 7 25,  L failed to get up early enough.
4 i5 n* k; u. x+ \, s  After short test 4.15 a.m, B set off half an hour later.  lasted 37 minutes.
( q! V) I% e5 k  landed near Dover, first greet him local policeman. L another attempt a week later  $ E8 ^" H5 r; T3 Q4 \
  withing half a mile of Dover, but unlucky again.  engine failed   sea  second time.

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