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[PETS二级] 公共英语二级考试:阅读各种题型详解 (3)

发表于 2012-8-14 12:34:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
+ L2 d5 A& v+ T) Z  1.完全式* f- W: [; N8 R1 g
  why do women seem less likely to be promoted after marriage?
3 k" L8 C* f3 }% X  what did scientists learn about earthquakes at the area?2 D8 E1 l; g9 }/ ]9 \# U+ B, ^- E' l
  according to the passage,how did the drums differ from many other drums?
6 r& U9 o  e# J7 }  [$ J& r  according to the passage,through which of the following does the energy released?, n9 q# J8 ], s; ~
5 e* t) k% Q4 g1 W7 M0 m  according to the passage,the new machine proved to be .
, U" X) Q& `$ h6 ?4 ~  in the author's opinion,visual and spatial abilities are good for __________.% o6 _% y% Y# F& I) I' m3 D
  according to the passage,women are usually good at __________.& r$ s* ^* v" v/ Y
  the sun's light travels slowly when ____________.; n# }" u! A4 O. f, M
  可见这类问题大多是根据文章中的具体信息,如事实、例证、原因、特点、过程、论述等进行提问。和推测文章大意、标题,作者态度这类归纳推理题相比较,这种问题要容易些,因为其答案可以直接在文章中找到的。所以,这类问题也称之为 "直接解答性问题".0 |; Q4 m; S, b! u1 [
  解题的基本方法是:仔细阅读文章后的问题,根据问题中的关键词或词组,以此作为线索,返回文章查找问题的相关句,用这个相关句来对照选项,意思一致的就是答案。3 T7 [1 Y; a8 F8 \* _  O* D
+ Z* V1 S* ^4 R* x  1.文章细节结构知识
& g9 V/ H3 [4 K5 t0 D% f% }  一篇阅读理解文章,或长或短,都有一个中心思想。而文章就是围绕着这个中心思想展开的。支持和发展中心思想的细节主要是由描写特点特征,给予解释定义,分析原因结果,比较事物异同,提供数据事实,论述观点理由等构成的。但根据主题的不同性质,可以有不同侧重,这样就形成了不同的细节结构。
7 s0 z7 R$ F1 u6 v  如:描述性结构(这种结构主要介绍事物,问题或倾向的特点、特征。对人物的描述如传记包括人的身体特征,家庭背景,成长过程,个性爱好,成就贡献等。因此文章中时间,地点,数据是主要细节);
6 F8 W. c8 I2 ~1 G# O  释义性结构(这种结构是解释某一理论,学科,事物。主要是用例子,比喻,类比进行阐述);, d- j4 \7 W3 X: ^, n* B
  比较性结构(这种结构主要是对两个事物或人物在功能,特点,优缺点,贡献方面进行比较);) r* n" D, v) K% C. K
  原因性结构(这种结构主要是分析事物的成因,客观的,主观的,直接的,间接的);- R) {$ b0 L$ W( }
( g3 C8 N4 u* N# l- ~  了解这些细节结构,我们就能知道某一特定的阅读理解文章问题会出哪方面的问题,从而在阅读中给有关细节较多的注意。如例9(p.43)的阅读理解文章。这篇章文章介绍的是美国一种蝗虫:描述了蝗虫飞群的形成,形成的原因,其特点习性,给农作物造成的损失,人们对付这种虫害的方法。显然这是描述性结构,绝大多数问题肯定与特点,时间,地点,程度有关。在阅读中对这些细节作圈划记号,解答时就非常容易。9 W1 |) z6 Q9 }" C: M; c9 B0 O
  2.文章过渡词知识, o% V# E# h. I
' v# w8 ^4 A, U- l# Q  根据过渡词表示的语义和逻辑关系,我们可以分类为:" v2 m. ^  J! a
  1) 举例
4 V6 ?- w; h0 L/ a  for example, for instance, as a case in point, as an illustration, such as, say, e.g.8 Q8 V: t3 \; P) Z1 s
  2) 释义, }7 [  d* w% u; m$ a2 O4 W# B
  that is, that is to say, in other words, so to speak, or rather, namely; o9 R% x2 w7 Q" @
  3) 原因
( W' }7 h2 ~* F7 G  because, because of, for, as, owing to, thanks to, due to, now that, since, as a result of, attribute to, in that
, O" e* k4 x% i* d  4) 条件8 c8 d8 `) H& e' J! f
  if, unless, whether, provided that, given, as long as, on condition that, otherwise
. `  r' Y  M  Q+ j# f* L6 V9 V7 [  5) 让步
* s: D) w( _3 m, V  despite, in spite of, though, although, nevertheless, but, however, admittedly, it is true…but, after all
! k" T6 I. }6 V  V0 u, [' j) |  6) 结果+ Q; b: y2 w  K; R$ j* z# i
  for this reason, therefore, consequently, accordingly, hence, as a result, thus, in short, in a word, to sum up, to conclude$ p1 i2 V3 Z4 `; s. R
  7)比较) v: \' e" g! x" S+ s
  similarly, like, likewise, in the same way, much……, as much, no more……, than, just as…… so
& y* T7 V7 d, p/ `1 e% V$ P  8)对照6 f& \8 z- i1 m
  whereas, instead, however, unlike, on the contrary, in contrast, on the other hand, while, some……, others  `6 h, v6 e$ b  r% z
  9)层进; E5 h3 \: U: V# x# b
  first, in the first place, to begin with, second, next, in addition to, besides, moreover, furthermore, third, finally5 Y9 v  W2 o8 S3 F7 ]1 u
  10)强调4 h0 Q* ~& G" z5 |, k
  indeed, in fact, certainly, particularly, above all, most importantly, worst of all4 |  o- m. n6 g2 d" i- E- G; j3 {
  11)目的  U6 J4 h0 S* d) n
  in order to, in an effort to, so as to, in order that, for fear that, in case, least% m5 c7 M& r8 w# A% v
! @  G6 B9 K$ B& i6 L  shortly after, earlier, later, afterwards, after, before, once, meanwhile, since, until, when, while, the moment, as soon as9 _) {- L0 s' C) Z- X. l: ]* u
) `& }; G# s; U0 s  this, that, these, this accounts for, this helps explain, that's why

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