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[BEC初级] 2011年商务英语考试:初级考试常用缩略语(W)

发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
W weight ton; winter mark for load line; won 重量吨;(船舶)冬季装载线标记;(韩国)元
: S- Z  j; C4 L% N3 `) eW., w. warehouse; watt; weight; width; week 仓库;瓦特;钟量;宽;星期; ?6 R, J; u+ z* X3 G! Y
W.A. with average 水渍险,保单独海损险. B% E& E% Y- q+ N( N+ }
W.A.C.C.C. Worldwide Air Cargo Commodity Classfication 全球空运商品分类+ w7 Q+ F8 F. r' [- N
W.A.I.O.P. W.A. irrespective of percentage 单独海损不计免赔率,单独海损全赔2 M8 l% W' C$ m, w. v
WAEC West African Economic Community 西非经济共同体
- r" q0 I0 k6 V  m7 kWAG wagon 卡车
. Z  O2 \3 o2 Z/ n. VWAN Wide Area Networks 泛区网络
! @3 c$ F* {# r; f& nWASH Washington; washer 华盛顿;洗衣机
5 h- b! h2 b+ n$ j2 AWB, W.B. waybill 运送单
6 D0 A2 h# L4 M  o* G% }& l0 `- P' \WB World Bank 世界银行
* w4 o# _, c' k: [6 o" b* iW.B. water ballast (以)水压载,水压舱6 V( Q3 Y% V  n/ f# s2 P
W.B.S. without benefit to/of salvage 不享有获救财产的利益
! h0 ?' _; l' o" n  o! g2 G1 Ew.c., W.C. without charge; water closet 免费;洗手间' L# ?5 S, {6 p( c
WCG working capital guarantee 流动资金担保
3 Q4 A4 c( l0 x9 H4 ?8 k% RWCO World Customs Organization 世界海关组织
+ C2 j" V. J) ?% u: @WD when distributed (股票)发售时交割
8 L, ?3 Z; v7 S$ ~0 V8 zwd. warrented (品质)保证的! l" E) g$ B6 V/ J0 m' [2 }: u6 |
wdth. width 广度,宽度
* P% F6 c. g4 qWed Wednesday 星期三2 P7 o5 }3 H: u6 j
WEF World Economic Forum 世界经济论坛' j9 [2 N  V, d& V
W.E.T. Western European Time 西欧时间,即格林尼治时间
! j0 D/ K. \$ y2 o* u7 dwf. wharf 码头+ h+ v3 p2 M8 z# H
WFOE wholly foreign owned enterprises 外资独资企业) P( q. Y" S/ t: \( |2 Z7 r
W.G., w.g. weight guaranteed 保证质量

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 20:05:43 | 显示全部楼层


WH watt-hour 每小时瓦特</p>WHO World Health Organization 世界卫生组织
( \( F; ^$ u$ i1 |& q8 dwhs, whse. warehouse 仓库& i: G! k. s7 ]9 O! ^
whsle wholesale 批发
: t9 A+ {* _- v9 p( ~, ?WI when issued (股票)发行时交割
4 H  h$ ?" c; q' ^4 i/ Q8 J4 yWIP work in proGREss=goods in progress 在制品
* z" n2 b9 v& R7 U% t+ X& B# K4 xwk week; work 星期;工作6 T1 S  L6 E5 V: S- [+ w* f
Wky. weekly 每星期的,周刊# l; S3 \. g$ ]9 A! ?3 a) o) ^
wmk watermark 水印
+ s  t6 ^, K, H$ q3 |' ?. rWmk. water mark 水位标记
0 }6 c4 Y+ d8 X0 P1 B* y) [WOC without compensation 无补偿
0 O% y! [" A) H: i, EWP weather permitting; word processing 天气允许;文字处理# f; P% P2 E7 {% X( k' m: z: \
W.P. without prejudice 不损害(当事人)权利/ D2 A( h. o( N
W.P.A. with particular average=with average 水渍险
2 E  B; y$ Q+ qW.P.M. words per minute (电传)每分钟字数
: p' x! K3 k* U6 NW.P.P. waterproof paper packing 防潮纸包装
; V0 B  {) z- \$ E, H; sW.R. war risk 战争险
5 f8 A% ^) A5 {1 {* E# ?W.R.=W.W. warehouse receipt=warehouse warrant 仓单,仓库收据' _4 R: N9 q5 x
Wrap worldwide receivables assurance protection 全球应收账款担保措施+ P2 V4 o, b# H. A" n; r' b! `% d
WT warrant (股票)认证股
) y& y* M4 W2 X. E) U! b1 AWT watertight (包、盒)不漏水的,防水的
; D7 [, z, N3 T& A, eWT, W/T wireless telegraphy, wireless telephone 无线电报;无线电话& j4 @* R5 g; C' s' L* [6 B, D! ]
wt., wgt. weight 重量, O5 F0 X7 B+ u8 Q1 e' |! M
WTO World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织: P; N& N3 v. w3 U5 t3 P
W/Tax withholding tax 预扣税# q; ?" }% @- A8 E, _
WW warehouse warrant; with warrants 仓库保证;附认股权
  H% w) J% _" U2 _5 sw/w wall-to-wall 覆盖全部地面的(地毯)
! H" L% W! u" Z, xW/W warehouse-to-warehouse 仓至仓
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