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[雅思写作] 雅思写作推荐:写作题考前强化训练套路(2)

发表于 2012-8-14 21:56:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
第二节   例解
1 q& y6 X6 \- S) s7 Q! I  套路16 ^) Z: @- `( L& j3 z2 ?
7 y8 M: V. C& x, z. h  A case in point is _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(例证一). As another instance, ____________________________________________________________________________________(例证二). If one more example were needed, I could mention _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(例证三).
+ B0 X1 C2 t' o+ D! k$ c______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(总结)
1 E# {& a( F7 }9 P  习作# v. g& w& ~  L* K3 V* S8 @2 J9 s
Failure Precedes Every Success
4 J8 Y$ J* n3 r3 x# {" Q/ m  Given the state of current affairs, it might be helpful to remember that a common link between all of us is that we have all experienced some type of "failure" or setbacks in our own lives. How we define failure is a different matter. Each of us has a choice. We can let circumstances rule our lives, or we can adapt and learn from these circumstances, no matter how severe they may seem and live our lives with purpose, focus and fulfillment. Many people that are now recognized as "successful" were once failures. Let's look at several of them and learn from their experiences.
" T$ T& z4 w8 \. ?' L  A case in point is John F Kennedy who lost the election for freshman class president at Harvard. As another instance, Walt Disney was dyslexic as a child and his first cartoon production company went bankrupt. If one more example were needed, I could mention Michael Jordan who was cut from his high school's varsity football team as a sophomore.
% X7 M+ s/ [) j, ]" g  E) L  These are just a few examples millions of people who overcame supposed "failures" and have gone to great successes. What made ? They had a passion, a to keep going. That's what makes the difference.
! F# v  Z9 z- y  h 列举方法
" O7 }  r" z, @+ v: Z5 _  套路1& ?! t6 r9 W+ F8 L8 g
  It is reported that __________________________________________________________________________(现象) The problem is so serious that we cannot turn a deaf to it any more. To______________________________________________________________(解决什么), we can adopt many ways, among which the chief one is that _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(第一种方法)Another approach is _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(第二种方法)Finally, _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(第三种方法)
2 K" u8 S" ?3 I% o; x  These are not the best and the only three measures we can take. But it should be noted that we should take strong actions to prohibit ________________________________________________(解决所讨论的问题)
8 w7 \, T6 R* d. A: A  习作+ o$ F$ C4 ?( M" T1 w8 q
How to Eliminate Fake Diplomas3 C8 X4 \" r. M; v% k
  It is reported that the flooding of fake diplomas is becoming a serious problem recently. When employers lay much emphasis on their candidates' education background, different kinds of fake diplomas appear in society. It's unfair that one fails to get his job just because his rival has got a fake diploma or certificate. Therefore, fake diplomas do harm to the job market.6 J5 H( Z2 }( _/ ]: H* K9 K
2 v2 F  n7 e9 v# g
  To stop this phenomenon, we can adopt many ways, among which the chief one is that companies and universities should have a close contact so that the fake diplomas cannot play tricks. Another approach is that the one who fabricates the fake diplomas should be severely punished by law and totally exposed through media. Finally, the one who uses a fake diploma in finding jobs should be disqualified from the job market for at least three months. That maypunish him as a warning to others.首页 1 2 3 4尾页

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 21:56:25 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  These are not the only three measures we can take. But it should be noted that we should take strong actions to prohibit fake diplomas.
. l7 e0 k; k$ R. c7 m; g, ]  套路2
7 l! ?# t4 j- A$ \It is known to us all that
! q+ P$ M7 B- K1 A) d7 q________________________________________________________________________________________________(所讨论主题的重要性). Many ways can contribute to ________________________________________________________(达到的目的), but the following ones may be most effective.4 t1 _, k* J$ p9 u+ n; x* q
  First of all, ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(第一种方法). A further way ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(第二种方法). Finally, ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(第三种方法).# }, q% S- E+ `
  These are not the only three ways we can take, but it should be reminded that ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________(提醒)
, N9 S0 f  B' \: F  习作
- o4 u+ V. H7 z( l0 l* p; THow to Build a Good Personal Image' D' w* i: g, I
  It is known to us all that a good personal image plays an important role in one's work and life. It is easy for a person who has fair appearance and proper behaviors to be accepted by the public. Many ways can contribute to establishing a good personal image, but the following ones may be most effective.* m+ ]/ P9 s4 f4 l5 P3 ~/ l8 S- D* ~# L
  First of all, people should bathe often, change their shirts and socks after they take on any perspiration because the odor from a person's body is offensive. A further way to build a good personal image is to remember some regulations when one behaves in public places. They include not speaking too loudly to interrupt others, not smoking to offend others, not getting too close to others when in a queue of crowded places, not blocking the way of others, and not having bad smell to irritate others. Finally, people in different jobs have different customs in dressing. If someone is doing physical labor, he is not supposed to dress in a suit but in jeans and a T-shirt. White-collared employees should dress formally at work, man in shirt or suit with tie, woman in skirt.
5 o; x" i' B/ ^8 s0 [  These are not the only three ways we can take, but it should be reminded that if you have other good ways to build a good personal image, please share with me so that all of us can benefit more from them.     * C; m( Z& J* ?0 O
' X6 g: r! e% k_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(目前的现象及存在的问题) The following ways may be helpful.
: h& w3 V3 y0 y' p& a  First of all, _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(第一种方法). Another way _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(第二种方法) Finally, it may also be wise _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(第三种方法).
( N$ t& Z( e5 q# b3 U  In conclusion, the ways I have mentioned above should never be separated from each other. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(展望)6 W3 b* J6 f* j* K' ~
' d# e& l8 s. z7 x5 ~- cHow to Succeed in a Job Interview7 S1 M4 g2 [7 s: T% |0 ]
2 c/ S8 |2 j2 w' f4 f& q8 m. s
  Nowadays, many people are looking forward to having a good job. However, a trouble always bothers some of them. That's interview. It's a bridge for interviewers and candidates to know each other. The interviewer can take advantage of this occasion to learn about the applicant, and the interviewee can make use of the opportunity to know the job he is going to take up. But how can one succeed in a job interview? 首页1  2 3 4尾页
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 21:56:26 | 显示全部楼层


The following ways may be helpful.</p>  First of all, the interviewee should make good preparation before an interview, including trying to know about the company, thinking about what kind of questions that the interviewer may ask. Besides, the interviewee has to pay attention to his appearance since the first impression is always where one starts. Another way to leave the interviewer a good impression is that the interviewee must express himself clearly and confidently. Finally, it may also be wise to be honest. As the old saying goes, "Honesty is the best policy." If you say what you mean, you will be trusted.
- n" Y2 U& V+ L! _# z  In conclusion, the ways I have mentioned above should never be separated from each other. If the interviewee makes full preparation and gives a fairly confident performance, he or she will be successful in a typical job interview.
! ?1 v+ p8 `! H0 l  套路4
" ^! p/ _5 ?7 w$ A  B  r_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(目前的现象及存在的问题)Indeed, some drastic measures should be adopted to avoid this thorny situation.8 M- c+ o' W. Z6 j( L
As the first step, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(第一种方法). Also, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(第二种方法)    Last but not least, __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(第三种方法). Each of the above three approaches is effective and feasible. If we combine these three ways, it will surely produce the great power. It should be reminded that ___________________________________________ (要解决的问题)should not just be a topic. Actions should be taken. The sooner, the better.
, R0 P3 d& Q) L2 `( z8 M  习作
; D4 `9 L& x8 `/ Z9 NHow to Eliminate Fake Software: G4 P4 O0 N* B
  With the development of computer industry, personal computers have entered our life. With them, the fake software for computers came onto the market. Every year fake software manufactures draw a large profit that should have been gained by the original software developers. Now the government orders repeatedly to crack down on pirates and protect the intellectual property right. Indeed, some drastic measures should be adopted to avoid this thorny situation.+ P+ T% k7 w' F5 D
  As the first step, the law concerned should be laid down. Those who produce the fake software should be heavily fined and their fakes should be confiscated and then broken into pieces. Also, the price should be adjusted. The high price of the original makes customers hesitate and draw back. On many occasions, a customer will have to spend 10 percent of his monthly salary on one disc. So the publisher should cut the price to match with the consumers' purchasing power. If small profits but quick turnover take effect, developers, publishers and consumers can get mutual benefits.  
7 {9 g* b" b1 F  Last but not least, consciousness should be cultivated among consumers. Everyone should be aware that software represents the wisdom and the sweat of the developer. The action of buying the fake is equal to theft." U& p4 F. e8 {
  Each of the above three approaches is effective and feasible. If we combine these three ways, it will surely produce the great power. It should be reminded that eliminating fake software should not just be a topic. Actions should be taken. The sooner, the better.
8 w0 w+ |) f" o) P% D  套路50 U4 q& _1 G+ D% t" y
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(目前的现象及存在的问题)In my essay, I would like to offer three ways to ________________________________________________________(达到的目的).# ^! @: m! ?0 T5 E

- s4 c0 Y2 V1 E4 O8 H  One way is by ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(第一种方法).首页1 2  3 4尾页
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 21:56:27 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  Another approach is to ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(第二种方法).
+ H, p; n( c8 w$ u1 l/ p  Most significantly, __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(第三种方法).
3 i; B$ a. V: T7 ?( w  All in all, __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(总结)8 c: \6 }) t) Z1 r1 ^
2 |# p$ Q6 o: u. o. o5 CHow to Reduce Stress
/ x8 ]' `) V* _  At present competition is becoming tougher and tougher and people are burdened with more and more pressure than ever before. How to reduce stress has concerned many people. In my essay, I would like to offer three ways to help those busy people.
; r4 J$ W: }3 L0 O3 E  One way is by traveling. From traveling to other provinces and countries, you can acquire much knowledge from different areas and cultures. You may completely forget unpleasant things and unpleasant people and perhaps may meet someone who is your Mr. or Mrs. Right.8 q' `7 O2 Z4 f' h2 [
  Another approach is to make friends. In modern society, work and life pressure make people suffer from many kinds of psychological problems, such as depression. We need friends because we could not live without friendship just as we could not survive without air or water. Whenever we are happy or sad, friends always stand by us.
8 l7 K  C; o' N  Most significantly, offering help is an effective way to reduce stress. We need to help as well as to be helped. For example, I often go to an orphanage to visit those orphans. I teach them to sing and dance and give them new pencils and books. I like to hear them sing and see them smile. I can pluck up courage to face my hard work after helping orphans.
8 l8 V" h, l7 b; X5 B: O) m4 a  All in all, the best way to reduce stress is a combination of travel, friendship and help.- A- q  d/ G( [/ o( B4 I
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