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发表于 2012-8-15 11:41:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  DO read the instructions for each part carefully.* E: ^8 U9 B1 H* U, @1 s4 y3 [
' M% P3 X9 a  G4 ]% K+ _  DO study any examples given (Reading Part 1 and Part 5; Writing Part 1).
# j; F" U( l. n; j$ x/ b  认真研究所给示例(阅读第一、五部分;写作第一部分)。
' U. e' W8 w6 Z  DO read each text carefully before attempting the questions, especially for Part 4.
& F3 R  j3 F" l  答题之前一定认真仔细地读文章,特别是阅读的第四部分。, g4 d# ]( ^, n7 o2 ]
  DO consider all multiple-choice options before choosing your answer.
. o) q/ k* u6 Q) B  |  一定要将所有选项思考过后再选定答案。(朱翔老师注:选项逐一判定非常重要)。0 Y7 V& B0 a6 e2 o/ m
  DO check your answers and transfer them accurately to the answer sheet.+ @. K' a  Q7 K8 Q5 o: Q( n
  认真核对答案并准确地誊写到答题纸上。+ _5 Y! |1 Y( v0 {6 J- n
  DO be ambitious and use a range of language in Writing Part 3.
5 d4 S+ q, `/ ~& N' X( N8 M  在写作的第三部分要大胆尝试使用级别范围内的语言。% ^% a/ J2 j8 F5 p0 Q
  DO make sure that you mark the correct box for your choice of question in Writing Part 3.
. u9 d% w) O$ d8 Z$ q2 u' O! H  确保在答题纸上正确涂写写作第三部分的选题框(是选择写信,还是写故事), T3 [  x4 R- d% t: e
  DO approach the test calmly and confidently.
) x4 w, m1 F: A* t# U- w  要沉着、自信地应对考试。
. s/ d* ]+ k2 E2 S0 c: h. a  DON'T leave any answers blank, even if you are unsure of the answer.4 D& q& [; Y8 E* @( U, x) @; G
  不要让任何一个答案空着,哪怕不确定也要试选一个答案。8 B6 X# n0 R! O0 q' V) U/ O+ H: D6 m
  DON'T use a pen on the answer sheet. You should use a pencil.1 l& R% a, Z; q+ v& {- e
$ j3 }$ ~4 z4 a  DON'T panic if there is a word in a text that you don't understand. It is usually possible to guess the meaning from the context.) x: M' @- _( P5 x% c
- I2 Q& s3 F4 q/ Z  DON'T write more than three words to fill a space in Writing Part 1.  S6 h: U1 ^& H* p
  写作第一部分一定不要超过3个词(朱翔老师注:使用缩写词例如can't 按2词计算)! p/ {6 X( u, y# g: X6 ~/ |) ]8 H
  DON'T write more than 45 words in Writing Part 2, as this may affect the clarity of your answer.
; _" b  l) q. V2 Q! m  R/ c3 x& m  写作第二部分不要多于45词,因为这样会影响你答案的简洁性。
3 d+ [; C8 ?4 E0 d9 r7 ]  DON'T answer both questions in Writing Part 3. You must choose between the letter and the story.2 c8 q; G7 l1 S5 r" ?
  写作第三部分不要两题都做。必须在信函和故事中选择其一。0 _( s8 Y  v9 y8 f. B6 X+ @
  DON'T spend time making a full rough copy for Writing Part 3. There isn't enough time to do this and it isn't necessary.
& R- L; s! h4 \3 `( @' i  写作第三部分不要花费时间把草稿全部写出,因为既没有足够的时间也没有必要这样做。
+ D! u' t- _( X* t# E& `1 D( P  DON'T worry too much about spelling errors in Writing Part 3, as ambitious language is rewarded.
, j; m' `  D1 a3 t2 ]/ n: x! d) `: Y  在写作第三部分不要过分担心拼写错误,因为对语言使用的大胆尝试会获加分。

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