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发表于 2012-8-15 11:41:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. I wrote down the number so that I     remember it.
! A, U4 f2 H: f4 w& i6 S  F  A. could& U1 J+ a1 N8 C& T" ?5 M: N. D) R
  B. should0 P  Q$ t. k: u3 U9 Y! `, b
  C. might! t2 x& k2 a, |- d) \
  D. needed$ s: u' a* a. M5 _( w- |& q3 \" o
  2. Richard is American, john is British - they have different    .
5 U+ t$ v3 w; F9 ]; R  A. nations7 s% }9 H2 d7 Z+ x$ \
  B. countries7 p+ h3 }) v% b5 h
  C. nationalities
1 a: Q+ \; t# x. w  D. lands
+ x  Z! r2 J) e: o6 W  3. She made     to tell her mother the good news.8 ^* g$ Y  R9 M# ?; s# u0 X" x* j1 I
  A. speed
" s8 N& S( t( e# n3 F) E4 M  F, \  B. haste( B( {8 r9 ^! V
  C. hurry
- P9 r, V- r. M- f: _+ y+ {  D. urge
4 n' b3 y$ Q8 k* B9 m  4. -Are you    ?
. W4 @1 D% V* ]2 ^4 I/ L  -No, I'm serious.. x7 N) a6 V& I' P3 g+ E$ L2 e
  A. deceiving
+ u1 ~/ t, ~7 g( s, }! m  B. cheating0 \3 r; P  h2 x) t0 Y
  C. fooling
! t* N, C4 P2 V/ x% v2 ^* i  D. kidding+ x" ^# y/ |! A- q" j
  5. A     of humour is a great asset for a person./ o  }4 P) ]! t. A# v. V
  A. feeling: A3 F- U$ y" }6 K4 Y1 ?/ [% H7 I
  B. sense0 ~: W; V5 a4 ~3 x1 W3 A5 ^3 Q
  C. meaning
/ m3 @" N+ _/ R; d1 n: m  D. judgment  X4 V. W# H' n0 K
  6. The     person is liable to succeed in the challenge.
/ @) h( r/ R" ]% V" [; z3 M7 ]& ?  A. social
/ b" u& k5 l: @  L% z" m/ s3 l  B. gracious: m2 W; _) u2 g/ u
  C. friendly1 j, `9 d1 e. z. d1 P9 n0 P
  D. sociable) w! i% ^8 ?5 c8 V: h* n8 A  M% I
  7. The police showed responsibility     the preservation of public order and security.
4 k1 L4 U+ C) T  A. for  B. to- D' C' H0 P$ S2 r
  C. in  D. on
) L# y( K8 Z( f6 Q( @2 J0 m( R  8. He doesn't feel     when he is left    .$ g2 t- K+ w+ C4 R- ~5 w; x6 b
  A. alone…alone
$ [# z' C; [$ @0 \  B. lonely…lonely
" Z! _% {# t, E5 ?, K3 g4 G( B  C. alone…lonely
  j5 {/ w( p1 e: J  @3 g. @$ K  D. lonely…alone) x1 g+ ?$ X" R8 C2 g
  9. Take a hat with you     the sun is very hot.
" L. _* c1 i+ W5 u% h4 ?  A. in case" l% w7 C" n4 _" Q
  B. though6 ]: A% ?7 A0 [+ c# P+ |- E
  C. for fear- ^  x9 Z0 g, p5 K7 |
  D. in that case: L( S4 h2 {% M6 F; h/ O
  10. A     of the camel is its ability to live for a long time without water.9 o) w. \7 l; M7 H8 X6 b: l! }7 a9 O
  A. quality
3 ?# J: b. s) c; i% T  B. feature, d- F  B+ i& \2 j! e
  C. characteristic
7 {- A5 W  s& ^  ~& m5 ^  D. character2 s, b8 d5 ]- W+ C$ m
  答案:1. A  2. C  3. B  4. D  5. B
, q% M8 Z4 C; O5 w  b# F  6. D  7. A  8. D  9. A  10. C1 e. {% d3 c3 p$ G* A
6 A" x6 h9 d. j# S& L* z  w( j  1. could/can 不能与be able to 连用
9 N8 p; A0 I5 r  Q" G1 T- u  这首题考查的是could的用法,在复习"could"这个单词时要重点搞清楚他和其他情态动词的区别,尤其在虚拟语气中。考试可以常考的^^5 C9 M0 R0 A6 M) O
  2. 第二题就不讲了,大家查字典知道每个词的定义之后就OK了
# B8 [% V7 P4 r  V( n1 {  3. haste, hurry和speed的同义词辨析。
1 S; |; y3 p3 i: |  E  首先,"haste"是指急速的行动,其原因可能是环境压力,也可能是强烈的愿望。
$ H& X7 u; h+ j7 }! j  然后,"hurry"是指仓促、忙乱的动作。
5 I# R( @' d" U  最后,"speed"是指快速的动作,它还暗指不忙乱,有效率。8 d3 K! _) |5 O0 K% a- D$ o
  那么,大家懂了没^^- u% D3 t: [( @7 \* M5 l
  4. kid
: G1 w) [/ A; N: f  n. 小孩,儿?,少年: y0 v3 l0 `/ A# o9 ~
  v. 欺骗,开玩笑:Don't kid me.别欺骗我。4 G7 Y( g8 O3 a+ H, N  c
  5. 熟记sense的常考短语
1 F# Y% U7 F/ _" ^  make sense有意义;意思清楚;有道理/ U3 l0 j  X4 p$ ?
  make no sense无意义
8 Q  y7 A, f+ C7 G) I- c; t/ |  make sense of 理解;懂;明白1 R, J3 a' E/ q' i0 f" Z7 E
  in a sense在某一方面;就某种意义来说% C- O3 ^6 w9 d% E% c; H
  a sense of humor幽默感
  l" P9 X2 R/ v  6. social和sociable的辨析3 {; t2 [6 N9 N: Z
  7. 这词考的是responsibility的搭配,show/shoulder/take/assume responsibility for 对……负责# r4 ^( _5 h  z" u
  8. 区别alone和lonely。
! d' \4 F4 B. y+ `( w3 m8 K  alone指独自一人的,而lonely指孤单的、孤独的。(个人觉得lonely有感情色彩,而alone只是叙述事实而已)" f% c) t0 W3 ?( l6 v" N
  9. in case 以防
1 z: V% c1 u  {0 u! W8 R. w# H- ^  10. quality, characteristic和feature的辨析:
- k3 W7 u$ o( L+ |* J# @  k. v  quality系常用词,指表现于某人或某物与其他不同特质或特点
7 Y  H0 z+ Q8 M+ J3 O  characteristic指特殊的、易于辨认的特性或特征
5 R! e5 r' B8 d9 R. ?  feature指引人注意的显著特征或细节* t9 C- j, G; f# |: c8 p

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