会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21


222. "Learning for learning’s sake is an outdated concept. Today, education must serve an ulterior purpose and be directed toward clear goals."
While education must serve clear purpose, “learning for learning’s sake” is not necessarily out-dated.
1.       The primary purpose of education is to cultivate qualified citizens and builders of a democratic society.
2.       Another purpose of education is to train creative workers who can fill in all the occupations of society.
3.       The idea of “learning for learning’s sake” does not necessarily conflict with education’s pursuit of the above purposes.

223. "Education is primarily a personal matter; it has little to do with school or college."
Education is not a personal matter in a large sense, and it certainly has a lot to do with school or college.
1.       It is not difficult to understand that education directly benefits the individual receiver of education.
2.       Furthermore, the education of an individual concerns the interests of the whole society.
3.       With the dramatic increase in knowledge today, it is impossible to educate oneself without the involvement of school or college.
228. "The best way to teach--whether as an educator, employer, or parent--is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones."

The statement overlooks circumstances under which praise might be inappropriate, as well as ignoring the beneficial value of constructive criticism, and sometimes even punishment.
1.       The recommendation that parents, teachers and employers praise positive actions is generally good advice.
2.       While recommending praise for positive actions is fundamentally sound advice, this advice should carry with it certain caveats.
3.       As for ignoring negative actions, I agree that minor peccadilloes can, and in many cases should, be overlooked.
4.       At the same time, some measure of constructive criticism and critique, and sometimes even punishment, is appropriate.

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