会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21


102. "For better or worse, education is a process that involves revising the ideas, beliefs, and values people held in the past."
Education is far more involved than just revising people’s old ideas, beliefs and values.
1.       Education often inputs, rather than revise, ideas and values to people’s mind.
2.       The ultimate purpose of education is to teach the young generation how to confront the challenges of the present.

104. "It is primarily through formal education that a culture tries to perpetuate the ideas it favors and discredit the ideas it fears."
1.       I agree with the speaker with respect to formal grade-school and even high-school education, yet the degree to which our grade schools and high schools emphasize indoctrination should not be overstated.
2.       Although the speaker’s assertion has some merit when it comes to the education of young people, I find it erroneous when it comes to higher education.
3.       The speaker also ignores other means by which our culture perpetuates ideas it favors and discredits ideas it fears.

106. "All students should be required to take at least one course in ethics, even if taking the course means a decreased emphasis on academic subjects."
1.       Nowadays, people tend to attach less and less importance to the inculcation of morality.
2.       Knowledge of ethics provides students with a correct view of life and career.
3.       The goal of education is to help students grow not only intellectually, but also ethically.
112. "Some educational systems emphasize the development of students’ capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, but students would benefit more from an education that also taught them to explore their own emotions."
While I concede that in certain fields students are well served by nurturing their emotions and feelings, in most academic disciplines it is by cultivating intellect rather than emotions that students master their discipline and, in turn, gain a capacity to contribute to the well-being of society.

1.       I agree with the speaker insofar as undue emphasis on reason and logical thinking can have a chilling effect on the arts.
2.       Aside from its utility in the arts, however, the exploration of emotions has little place in educational systems.
Indeed, on a systemic scale undue emphasis on the exploration of our emotions can have deleterious societal consequences. Emotions invite irrationality in thought and action, the danger of which are all too evident in contemporary world history.
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