会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21


44. "Government should not fund any scientific research whose consequences, either medical or ethical, are unclear."
1.       Financial support is to the uncertain scientific research what steam is to locomotive.
2.       The consequences of uncertain researches may turn out to be as substantial as those with clear perspectives.
3.       Admittedly, there are some dangers or wastes when the result of a scientific research is unclear.
45. "Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestioningly carrying out the will of the people whom they serve."
1.       Admittedly, it is hard to get a good rapport of all the people.
2.       However, in a democratic society, government is elected by the people, and therefore should take the responsibility to serve for the people and realize their will.
3.       Without the support of the people, government is bound to perish.
56. "Governments should focus more on solving the immediate problems of today rather than trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future."
Whether solving the immediate problems of today is more important than solving the anticipated problems of the future depends on the nature of the problems to be solved.
1.       To win the favor of the general public, governments throughout the world tend to focus on solving the immediate problems of today.
2.       However, a government’s failing to prepare for future challenges will cause disasters to its country in the long run.
3.       Furthermore, a government should always take into consideration the possible future effects of the actions it takes today.
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