会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


Literature is inevitably a ________ rather than ________ medium for the simple reason that writers interpose their own vision between the reader and reality.
(A) distorting ... a neutral       (B) transparent ... an opaque
(C) colorful ... a drab          (D) flawless ... an inexact       (E) flexible ... a rigid

例题:rather than 转折关系
distort 扭曲的,歪曲的;transparent 透明的,一目了然的;
colorful 多姿多彩的;flawless 没有错误的;flexible 灵活的;
答案 A
inevitably 不可避免地;
void 避免,unavoid 不可避免;
irremediable 不可治疗的;
⑶手段-目的/结果   by, for, in order to, in an effort to
The proponents of recombinant DNA research have decided to ________ federal regulation of their work; they hope that by making this compromise they can forestall proposed state and local controls that might be even stiffer.
(A) protest      (B) institute      (C) deny         (D) encourage   (E) disregard
例题:protest 抗议;institute 建立(主谓不搭配,是干扰选项);   
deny 拒绝;encourage 鼓励;disregard无视,不理;
答案 D
forestall 阻止,妨碍;
by making this compromise中 this(还有that, such)表示指代;
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