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[GRE填空] 新GRE考试填空题课堂辅导五

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
( l# M4 H  y4 [8 y$ P# T4 DLiterature is inevitably a ________ rather than ________ medium for the simple reason that writers interpose their own vision between the reader and reality.
+ F* D' u; L7 L6 Z5 j4 J8 [4 x) k0 u(A) distorting ... a neutral       (B) transparent ... an opaque 3 q* I% n1 E# d$ ]2 M* ^4 j
(C) colorful ... a drab          (D) flawless ... an inexact       (E) flexible ... a rigid
. |- t" `# _/ A8 l" {, Z  
$ Z( b( W! ~- C$ d1 @0 C例题:rather than 转折关系 ) n! _, i" k' s9 p
  distort 扭曲的,歪曲的;transparent 透明的,一目了然的;
; v8 V4 R  `: }; c5 i/ D5 i4 Q& A* M colorful 多姿多彩的;flawless 没有错误的;flexible 灵活的; * {% ?2 ?4 y3 }2 A1 C# M! N
  答案 A $ b( E& I5 l4 Q- ?
  inevitably 不可避免地;
& `( @. b4 |6 Z: w9 P: [/ p  void 避免,unavoid 不可避免; ) ~1 {$ \& U8 \: R$ u
  irremediable 不可治疗的;
# M# \0 W8 Z  G⑶手段-目的/结果   by, for, in order to, in an effort to  
* Y4 V" ^6 d. Z) ?% h3 jThe proponents of recombinant DNA research have decided to ________ federal regulation of their work; they hope that by making this compromise they can forestall proposed state and local controls that might be even stiffer.
1 l' ]1 y4 t1 U9 G' [(A) protest      (B) institute      (C) deny         (D) encourage     (E) disregard
+ Y0 S# ?" g" f4 o3 n8 o) ?7 n例题:protest 抗议;institute 建立(主谓不搭配,是干扰选项);     
1 ]3 z, Y& x6 _  deny 拒绝;encourage 鼓励;disregard  无视,不理; , M' U* l, P+ h( A! w
  答案 D
9 E7 t6 \' b6 ]8 ~$ T  forestall 阻止,妨碍;
$ [7 G) \/ P8 \- T) U$ ^  by making this compromise中 this(还有that, such)表示指代;

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