会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


1. No longer ________ by the belief that the world around us was expressly designed for humanity, many people try to find intellectual ________ for that lost certainty in astrology and in mysticism.
   (A) satisfied ... reasons
   (B) sustained ... substitutes
   (C) reassured ... justifications
   (D) hampered ... equivalents
   (E) restricted ... parallels

2. Observable as a tendency of our culture is a ________ of ________ psychoanalysis: we no longer feel that it can solve our emotional problems.
   (A) divergence ... certainty about
   (B) confrontation ... enigmas in
   (C) withdrawal ... belief in
   (D) defense ... weaknesses in
   (E) failure ... rigor in

3. Many of the earliest colonial houses that are still standing have been so modified and enlarged that the ________ design is no longer ________.
   (A) pertinent ... relevant
   (B) intended ... necessary
   (C) embellished ... attractive
   (D) appropriate ... applicable
   (E) initial ... discernible

4. By divesting himself of all regalities, the former king ________ the consideration that customarily protects monarchs.
   (A) merited
   (B) forfeited
   (C) debased
   (D) concealed
   (E) extended

5. The sociologist responded to the charge that her new theory was ________ by pointing out that it did not in fact contradict accepted sociological principles.
   (A) banal
   (B) heretical
   (C) unproven
   (D) complex
   (E) superficial

6. The natural balance between prey and predator has been increasingly ________, most frequently by human intervention.
   (A) celebrated
   (B) predicted
   (C) observed
   (D) disturbed
   (E) questioned

7. Charlotte Salomon’s biography is a reminder that the currents of private life, however diverted, dislodged, or twisted by ________ public events, retain their hold on the ________ recording them.
   (A) transitory ... culture
   (B) dramatic ... majority
   (C) overpowering ... individual
   (D) conventional ... audience
   (E) relentless ... institution
Exercise Fourteen
重点:no longer在解题时的价值。
1. that不是从句结构, 而是指代结构。certainty与belief是重复结构。
sustained支持    substitutes替代
hampered阻碍    equivalents平等物
restricted限制,阻碍    parallels平行物
no longer表示过去发生的动作现在不再出现了。
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