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[GRE填空] 新GRE考试填空题课堂辅导四十八

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. No longer ________ by the belief that the world around us was expressly designed for humanity, many people try to find intellectual ________ for that lost certainty in astrology and in mysticism. 2 r  I! D/ \) u" _9 o
   (A) satisfied ... reasons . d+ C/ c/ Q8 i
   (B) sustained ... substitutes   |; R* M+ [  S, {; _
   (C) reassured ... justifications * c2 `3 C2 w$ X, K4 B) m, L0 V
   (D) hampered ... equivalents
8 ]' L4 P* D  U! l9 o9 z# t: _   (E) restricted ... parallels
! d9 [% {! _* s+ C* c  
2 k5 R2 m5 e/ |  W9 x  ~  n9 }2. Observable as a tendency of our culture is a ________ of ________ psychoanalysis: we no longer feel that it can solve our emotional problems.
! x. A8 p: Q0 Z% F8 `4 |4 C4 R$ F   (A) divergence ... certainty about   p" N7 m. I6 [" q2 J
   (B) confrontation ... enigmas in 9 Y1 |  S; O2 p, C7 c9 r" x. T5 A
   (C) withdrawal ... belief in 3 X& E6 ^: a) T
   (D) defense ... weaknesses in ' }( @: t* u+ Q$ V2 h4 o
   (E) failure ... rigor in
, W1 b0 X6 k  o: q: y, I. Z" f' ]( F- w! q  
& `: i% _$ @7 M" X6 E0 {: q3. Many of the earliest colonial houses that are still standing have been so modified and enlarged that the ________ design is no longer ________. # N$ q* r+ p8 h3 L5 T; X
   (A) pertinent ... relevant 3 U" u# w& l7 l  m" I" D
   (B) intended ... necessary 5 i8 u" h9 C1 {. t. R! e( z7 b
   (C) embellished ... attractive 2 }  {+ c( m$ W, t1 Q5 d
   (D) appropriate ... applicable
& K- s4 m' ^6 g  P* D   (E) initial ... discernible . D+ |+ U9 u, b6 T2 F
  ; N3 d' k% @8 a  |, i! n
4. By divesting himself of all regalities, the former king ________ the consideration that customarily protects monarchs.
1 S3 ], L; a5 f: J' s: v  U: F7 U3 o* _0 `   (A) merited
& P  T- @6 i+ d8 y7 r3 a0 y# n8 Z( t   (B) forfeited
" q' l4 H0 @2 ?" ]& `   (C) debased
$ F9 L& [# L2 a) v7 _5 B   (D) concealed
6 @/ R# A" e9 Q- I% S3 H   (E) extended 4 j# v! j, c4 j) ~) o5 x5 t$ h4 b
  ) n+ T" i8 K$ s* t* q- b7 e
5. The sociologist responded to the charge that her new theory was ________ by pointing out that it did not in fact contradict accepted sociological principles.
; A2 s2 _4 J7 m6 L   (A) banal
  ^3 B5 o( ~8 o" `& |0 E6 s* q7 U   (B) heretical % f8 p: ~4 M' s7 n, \
   (C) unproven
( z) ]9 b& m0 ~   (D) complex
# O6 Z+ A+ I6 y# N. q   (E) superficial
7 y9 N8 U, B1 O! F8 c1 j& J  8 m# L; H- ~* d* {  {
6. The natural balance between prey and predator has been increasingly ________, most frequently by human intervention. + G6 c4 e5 W/ P! T1 |4 S
   (A) celebrated
' J/ ?1 z/ h; w7 ^7 K! W, |   (B) predicted ; L! |. w, m/ _: [
   (C) observed 2 N* `/ W8 S0 j/ Z! H+ w* H
   (D) disturbed : |, F1 c' `6 B' {1 s
   (E) questioned
( ]$ m, N* S" t( d9 Y/ g  
  |" d" i$ k) K6 S7. Charlotte Salomon’s biography is a reminder that the currents of private life, however diverted, dislodged, or twisted by ________ public events, retain their hold on the ________ recording them.
& `! C. A8 E% _' S' o8 w' c   (A) transitory ... culture * h' h1 W! v3 R" ]' |2 V" B- `# X
   (B) dramatic ... majority ) G' t- a9 t6 ?5 X  _7 ^2 w( u" Q
   (C) overpowering ... individual ! {6 Q. D2 L% W8 F2 G
   (D) conventional ... audience : q2 R+ F" `& D4 o4 d
   (E) relentless ... institution
! }  q  V; j& N& X& k7 iExercise Fourteen " N- v3 g8 y2 i
重点:no longer在解题时的价值。 1 \' S' k7 {% M; ?
1. that不是从句结构, 而是指代结构。certainty与belief是重复结构。 ! h  J' R$ H( Q. C1 ^* Q: n
  satisfied  满意,满足
: a( M7 l. v  w2 I6 k3 G) O: K  sustained  支持    substitutes  替代 : c$ B: ]0 F- S- U$ F7 j9 c' l/ \
  hampered  阻碍    equivalents  平等物 4 q; t0 X1 m7 i" P( C/ X$ u1 R& s
  restricted  限制,阻碍    parallels  平行物
8 Z0 ^. V& B+ z7 f: ~5 I# ~: P  答案:B : K/ p/ o: ~5 H$ h5 \
  no longer表示过去发生的动作现在不再出现了。

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