会计考友 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33


1. Physicists rejected the innovative experimental
technique because, although it----some
problems, it also produced new----.
(A) clarified.. data
(B) eased.. interpretations
(C) resolved.. complications
(D) caused.. hypotheses
(E) revealed.. inconsistencies
2. During a period of protracted illness, the sick
can become infirm, ----both the strength to
work and many of the specific skills they once
(A) regaining (B) denying (C) pursuing 来自www.Examw.com
(D) insuring (E) losing
3. The pressure of population on available
resources is the key to understanding history;
consequently, any historical writing that takes
no cognizance of----facts is----flawed.
(A) demographic.. intrinsically
(B) ecological.. marginally
(C) cultural.. substantively
(D) psychological.. philosophically
(E) political.. demonstratively
4. It is puzzling to observe that Jones’s novel has
recently been criticized for its----structure,
since commentators have traditionally argued
that its most obvious----is its relentlessly
rigid, indeed schematic, framework.
(A) attention to.. preoccupation
(B) speculation about.. characteristic
(C) parody of.. disparity
(D) violation of.. contradiction
(E) lack of.. flaw
5. It comes as no surprise that societies have codes
of behavior; the character of the codes, on the
other hand, can often be----.
(A) predictable (B) unexpected
(C) admirable (D) explicit (E) confusing
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