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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题27

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Physicists rejected the innovative experimental
6 F6 x0 Q6 `: ^3 ~% ftechnique because, although it----some
" d& _) E. Y; [) xproblems, it also produced new----.
& S9 C  K0 L+ w9 f- y& h(A) clarified.. data
! _9 `9 P& k% r- }, x2 p(B) eased.. interpretations
2 r; ^( [( A2 r' g/ W% T2 z( W9 @) r  x9 V(C) resolved.. complications & Q: v5 ^# u1 N
(D) caused.. hypotheses - Q8 T3 }2 k" u: ?3 E0 s3 I: p
(E) revealed.. inconsistencies
6 b& m6 K7 ^, l  U3 W( T2. During a period of protracted illness, the sick
. ?, E  v) ]0 L; ?8 S1 ?( Bcan become infirm, ----both the strength to
4 {- Y; Z. r: W4 |9 y1 ^) P! B. qwork and many of the specific skills they once
" C/ N# P& c* p+ F" O8 apossessed. & U, F6 B6 g2 }8 Q& D% E
(A) regaining (B) denying (C) pursuing 来自www.Examw.com7 }+ @/ Q4 o, ?$ u9 x
(D) insuring (E) losing
+ g* v( n. ^1 K' c6 R5 i3. The pressure of population on available 9 Y9 Y0 z: B4 G$ ]
resources is the key to understanding history;
& l: M7 p2 Q4 n3 p5 q( ]consequently, any historical writing that takes # `8 L4 r+ y7 q7 e: h" g  A3 a
no cognizance of----facts is----flawed.
  _4 `: o5 h6 Q/ P8 M/ o(A) demographic.. intrinsically
& n* G  ~2 j0 v' _. D(B) ecological.. marginally ; X  t5 i% X4 t0 H4 H2 F6 N. P
(C) cultural.. substantively
3 X/ e) d  S, X+ f3 h- ?, p, [(D) psychological.. philosophically $ t. v" b0 j' j0 h6 @
(E) political.. demonstratively / ]/ {8 b1 m0 T- }3 r. R
4. It is puzzling to observe that Jones’s novel has 9 N+ I0 \& y/ @7 S# W7 G$ D0 W# V
recently been criticized for its----structure,
) l+ l( a: x* }since commentators have traditionally argued
. G! j5 e4 ?7 s( I: x6 L2 T9 C: Lthat its most obvious----is its relentlessly
$ p5 `1 Z0 Z$ o, U3 ]3 s+ ^rigid, indeed schematic, framework.
- N6 c1 E' B  ~0 }' n(A) attention to.. preoccupation - q' R+ B' e) s4 K  i
(B) speculation about.. characteristic
" I( Y5 P8 i, W, R) \5 B" T(C) parody of.. disparity
7 k6 C+ b+ _; u6 c(D) violation of.. contradiction
) d4 T$ o# f- p(E) lack of.. flaw 8 Q" }1 Q1 j: K- P
5. It comes as no surprise that societies have codes : k: g8 B9 k! W- ]
of behavior; the character of the codes, on the + V# Z( U5 P- o1 N+ R
other hand, can often be----.
8 _; [4 W: o1 H: i& t5 r, \4 k(A) predictable (B) unexpected
  ~* |' t4 G, G9 ^; H9 v3 @* U9 J(C) admirable (D) explicit (E) confusing

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